Yokogawa (DL9240) 701312 Oscilloscope Digital > 요꼬가와

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Yokogawa (DL9240) 701312 Oscilloscope Digital > 요꼬가와

Yokogawa (DL9240) 701312 Oscilloscope Digital 요약정보 및 구매

Oscilloscope Digital

제조사 요꼬가와
시리즈명 701312
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

Oscilloscope Digital

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



The DL9240L is a 1.5 GHz, 4 Channel digital oscilloscope from Yokogawa. Measure voltage or current signals over time in an electronic circuit or component to display amplitude, frequency and rise times, etc. Applications include troubleshooting, production test, and design.

Additional Features:

  • Bandwidth: 1.5 GHz
  • Channels: 4
  • Sample Rate: 5 GS/s, 10 GS/s Max
  • Record Length: 6.25MW
  • Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND, DC50Ω
  • Trigger modes: Auto, Auto Level, Normal, Single, and N Single
  • Up to 25,000 frames/sec/channel in continuous mode
  • Up to 2.5 million frames/sec/channel in N Single mode
  • With a partitioned large-capacity memory, the DL9000 can automatically accumulate and display up to 2,000 waveform frames

The Yokogawa DL9240L contains a wide array of analysis functions that include parameter statistics, trends, real time filters, serial bus analysis and power analysis. The DL9240L model has 6.25M points of waveform memory on each channel. In accumulate mode, the DL9240L overlays up to 2000 acquisitions on the screen that you can scroll through to look for signal peculiarities.


















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