중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz > 요꼬가와

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중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz > 요꼬가와

중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 오실로스코프
모델명 DL6104
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입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



Yokogawa DL1540CL Color Digital Oscilloscope 

Option Description:
D: UL/CSA Standard Power Cord
B5: Built-in printer
F1: Extended trigger function
E1: Two additional probes (probes not included)
V1: VGA output

The DL1540C/DL1540CL is a portable digital oscilloscope that has a color TFT LCD and packs many advanced features into a small case. In addition to impressive basic specifications, Yokogawa maintained the multi-channel and long memory features common to all Yokogawa oscilloscopes. The color display makes it easier to read oscilloscope data, and the unit is about 1 kg lighter than conventional digital oscilloscopes. These improvements make it easier to efficiently measure increasingly complex and diverse signals, helping to improve the efficiency of the development process.

Key Features:

6.4-inch Color TFT LCD with Wide Viewing Angle - The display clearly identifies waveforms displayed on multiple channels.
Small and Lightweight (approx. 5 kg) - The unit weighs about 1 kg less than conventional models.
200 MS/s Maximum Sampling Rate, 150 MHz Analog Bandwidth
Maximum Record Length: 2 M Words
Maximum Screen Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
Color Printing Feature: The oscilloscope can be connected to an external color printer through a commercial available GP-IB/Centronics conversion adapter for direct color printer
VGA Output (option)
Built-in Printer (option) - The built-in printer can be used to print out screen shots and enlarged waveforms (long copies), and for real-time printing.
Pulse Counting Function - This function automatically counts the number of pulse waveforms in a specified interval.




Digital Oscilloscope 150 MHz, 200 MSa/s, 4 Channel The Yokogawa DL1540CL oscilloscope is a graph-displaying device it draws a graph of an electrical signal. In most applications, the graph shows how signals change over time: the vertical (Y) axis represents voltage and the horizontal (X) axis represents time. The intensity or brightness of the display is sometimes called the Z axis. The Yokogawa DL1540CL oscilloscope's simple graph can tell you many things about a signal, such as: the time and voltage values of a signal, the frequency of an oscillating signal, the “moving parts” of a circuit represented by the signal, the frequency with which a particular portion of the signal is occurring relative to, other portions, whether or not a malfunctioning component is distorting the signal, how much of a signal is direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) and how much of the signal is noise and whether the noise is changing with time. 

  • Long Memory: maximum capacity is 120 k words for the DL1540C and 2 M words for the DL1540CL.
  • Zoom Function: allows to select and zoom in on a particular portion of the entire amount of data stored in acquisition memory.
  • Fast Screen Refresh Rate: the maximum screen refresh rate is 60 Hz, even when all channels are used.
  • Envelope and Roll Modes: used to display low-speed signals on the screen as if they were being recorded on recorder chart paper.


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