EMI솔루션 전도 측정 LISN 렌탈 GLN-5040A GWINSTEK > 굿윌인스텍

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EMI솔루션 전도 측정 LISN 렌탈 GLN-5040A GWINSTEK > 굿윌인스텍

EMI솔루션 전도 측정 LISN 렌탈 GLN-5040A GWINSTEK 요약정보 및 구매

브랜드 굿윌인스텍
시리즈명 GLN-5040A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • Simplify the complicated EMC measurement and debugging
  • Including Conduction EMI Testing, Radiation EMI Testing
  • GSP-9330 Spectrum analyzer with EMI Mode
  • GKT-008 EMI Probe Set for pretest
  • GLN-5040A LISN for conduction testing
  • GIT-5060 AC isolated transformer
  • GPL-5010 Transient Limiter




he GLN - 5040A Two Line V - Network is used for EMI testing. It provides stable impedance for the EUT terminals and the reference ground within the conducted emissions range. The GLN - 5040A also isolates the unwanted network signals from the power supply unit and only couples the disturbance voltage of the measuring device to the receiver. The product's performance is in compliance with the standard requirements of CISPR16 - 1 - 2 for V - networks with a simulated impedance of 50μ H + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω in the frequency range of 9kHz to 30MHz. It uses a standard BNC output connector with a 50 Ω output impedance to match any measurement devices such as receivers and spectrum analyzers.

The product is equipped with an artificial hand function that simulates a handheld type measurement, a 9kHz and 150kHz high pass filter selection function that allows the product to select the correct filters according to the relevant standard. The GLN - 5040A is also suitable for signal phase device conduction (disturbance voltage) measurement. Due to design principles, there may exist a great deal of leakage current. It is recommended that the unit is grounded when used, and if necessary, it should also be used with an isolation transformer. You may use the GIT - 5060, which has an output capacity of 900 VA, meeting the requirements of most test equipment.





Manufacturer Specs








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