EMI, EMC 스펙트럼분석기 렌탈 GSP-9330 GWINSTEK > 굿윌인스텍

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EMI, EMC 스펙트럼분석기 렌탈 GSP-9330 GWINSTEK > 굿윌인스텍

EMI, EMC 스펙트럼분석기 렌탈 GSP-9330 GWINSTEK 요약정보 및 구매

스펙트럼 분석기

브랜드 굿윌인스텍
품명 스펙트럼 분석기
시리즈명 GSP-9330
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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스펙트럼 분석기

상품 상세설명

렌탈 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



  • ​ 주파수 범위 : 9kHz~3.25GHz
    주파수 안정도 : 0.025ppm
    3dB RBW 필터 : 1Hz~1MHz
    6dB EMI 필터 : 200Hz/9kHz/120kHz/1MHz
    스윕 시간 : 최소 204us
    감도 : -149dBm/Hz (@Preamp On)
    지원 기능
    • 측정 기능 : 2FSK Analysis, AM/FM/ASK/FSK
    Demodulation & Analysis, EMC Pre-test, P1dB
    point, Harmonic, CHPW, OCBW, ACPR, SEM,
    TOI, CNR, CTB, CSO, N-dB bandwidth, Noise
    Marker, Frequency Counter, Time Domain
    Power, Gated Sweep
    • Spectrogram/Topographic/Split Window 모드
    • 886MHz IF 출력
    • 전치 증폭기(Preamp) 내장
    • 50dB 감쇠기 내장
    • Quasi-Peak/Average EMI 검출 모드
    • 시퀀스 기능
    • EMI 측정 소프트웨어 (SpectrumShot) 제공
    • 트랙킹 제너레이터
    • 배터리 팩
    통신 인터페이스
    • 기본 장착 : LAN, USB, RS-232
    • 옵션 장착 : GPIB
  • Features
    • Frequency Range: 9kHz ~ 3.25GHz
    • 0.025ppm Frequency Stability and 1ppm aging Rate
    • RBW: 1Hz ~ 1MHz (3dB), 6dB EMI Filter: 200Hz, 9kHz, 120kHz, 1MHz
    • Fastest sweep time: 204us
    • Sensitivity: -149 dBm/Hz (@PreAmp on)
    • Built-in Preamplifier, 50dB Attenuator, and Sequence Function
    • Built-in EMC pretest function, Quasi-Peak/Average EMI detect mode
    • Built-in 2FSK Analysis, AM/FM/ASK/FSK Demodulation & Analysis
    • Built-in P1dB point, Harmonic, CHPW, OCBW, ACPR, SEM, TOI, CNR, CTB, CSO, N-dB bandwidth, Noise Marker, Frequency Counter, TDP, Gated Sweep
    • Built-in Spectrogram, Topographic and Split-Window Display Modes
    • Remote control EMI measurement software: SpectrumShot
    • Remote Control Interface: LAN, USB, RS-232
    • Options: Tracking Generator, GPIB Interface


    Product Features:

    • Fastest sweep speed up to 204 s
    • Frequency Range : 9 kHz ~ 3.25 GHz
    • Support modulation signal analysis
    • 2FSK digital signal analysis
    • ASK/FSK digital signals demodulation and analysis
    • AM/FM analog signals demodulation and analysis
    • Complete EMC pretest solution
    • EMI Detect mode: Quasi-Peak, Average
    • EMI Filter(-6dB): 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1MHz
    • Dedicated EMC function key

    Applicable to Tests and Analysis for Various Signals:

    • Signal channel analysis provides Channel Power, OCBW, ACPR, N-dB bandwidth, SEM
    • CATV parameter tests focus on CNR, CSO, and CTB parameters
    • Signal source's stability characteristics can be tested via Phase Noise and Phase Jitter
    • Component's or system's linearity test can be confirmed by TOI and P1dB functions
    • Other measurement applications include Harmonic, Frequency Counter, Time Domain Power, and Gated Sweep

    Graphic Processing of Signal Monitor:

    • Spectrogram traces changes of frequency and power vs. time
    • Topographic uses color shade to show the probability distribution of signal appearance
    • Split-Window allows independent observation and settings for spectrum with different frequency bandwidths

    Features for Production Line Applications:

    • Frequency stability of 0.025 ppm allows GSP-9330 to be stable quickly after powered up
    • Users can set up automatic wake-up time to save time from manually setting
    • The sequence function exempts users from writing programs
    • The limit line function determines whether the tested signal passes the test

    User Friendly Design:

    • Built-in Definition Help
    • Status Icons
    • Support five languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Russian)
    • Speed save function

    Various Interface:

    • Support USB Host, RS-232, LXI C (LAN Base), GPIB (option)
    • Support USB Device, MicroSD to save files
    • Ideal for TV Output's DVI interface

    Software and Driver:

    • SpectrumShot PC Software - EMC/Remote Control Mode
    • IVI Driver (It needs NI VISA)
    • Android App – GSP-9330 Remote Control

    Various Augmenting Options:

    • Tracking Generator analyzes scalar network analysis and P1dB point measurements
    • Battery module and dedicated carrying case are ideal for Open Site operations
    • GKT-008 near field probe set conducts EMI Pretest
    • GLN-5040A/GIT-5060 conducts EMI Conduction tests


    • For the Quick Check and Analysis of Spectral Characteristic
    • EMI Pre-compliance Testing
    • Analyze ASK, FSK, AM, FM Signal Characteristics
    • Monitor Satellite Uplink Signals From Satellite Uplink Truck
    • Test Systems That Require a Very Compact Instrument
    • Measure the Frequency Response of Cable, Filter and Amplifier
    • Consumer Electronics
    • Service and Maintenance
    • Universities
    • Graduate Schools
    • Military Industries
    • Automotive Electronics
    • Telecom and communications Industries
    • Distributors for RF-Instruments Instrument leasing Companies




  • The brand new GSP-9330, a high test speed spectrum analyzer with 3.25 GHz, provides the fastest 204 μs sweep speed. Users, via high speed sweep time, can easily handle and analyze modulation signals.  The keys to handling modulated signals are fast sweep time and signal demodulation functions.  In addition to the analog AM/FM demodulation and analysis function, GSP-9330 also provides digital signal ASK/FSK, and 2FSK demodulation and analysis capabilities. Nowadays, EMC issues are very crucial to product's design processes. Therefore, GSP-9330 has incorporated the EMC pretest solution to facilitate EMC tests.  The simple and easy EMC pretest procedures from GSP-9330 can tremendously shorten users' product launch timeline.​ 

Fastest Sweep Speed Up to 204us

For measuring signals, speed is one of the specifications to be considered. Perhaps, it is the most important specification. GSP-9330 provides sweep speed up to 204 μs.  Users, via high speed sweep time, can easily capture transient signals such as Tire-pressure monitoring system (TPMS), frequency/amplitude modulation signals, Bluetooth frequency hopping signals, tuned oscillator or other interfering signals under ISM Band.

Modulation Signal Analysis and Processing

The keys to handling modulated signals are fast sweep time and signal demodulation function.  In addition to the analog AM/FM demodulation and analysis function, GSP-9330 also provides ASK/FSK digital signal demodulation capability. For the widely-utilized, low-cost and low power consumption 2FSK modulation signals, GSP-9330 also provides the complete test and analysis function to address the requirements.


EMC Pretest Solution 


GSP-9330 can meet customers’ EMC pretest requirements on the product development and verification stages. Users can detect and resolve problems at the early product development stage that can save time and money for product development and verification fee.  As a result, users can expedite the process of products launch.  GSP-9330 has the built-in EMI dedicated 200/9 k/120 k/1 MHz filter, 20 dB low noise amplifier and Quasi-Peak/Average detection mode to conduct radiation and conduction tests after collocating with the probe set.

GKT-008, the radiation test probe set, provides a complete near field test probe set to simplify the complex measurement procedures and to simulate 3m/10m far field tests from the labs. Using GKT-008 can greatly save engineers’ debugging time and the money for going back and forth to the labs. GKT-008 can collocate with the Tracking Generator function of GSP-9330 to conductEMSpretests. 

For conduction tests, GKT-008 can collocate with LISN and Isolated Transformer to conduct electromagnetic conduction tests. If users concern EUT’s large voltage variation or complexity, applying a Transient Limiter will make test equipment safer.
















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