중고 RF 시그젠 판매 Rohde & Schwarz SMT 03 SIGNAL GENERATOR 5kHz 3.0GHz > 로데슈바르즈

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중고 RF 시그젠 판매 Rohde & Schwarz SMT 03 SIGNAL GENERATOR 5kHz 3.0GHz > 로데슈바르즈

중고 RF 시그젠 판매 Rohde & Schwarz SMT 03 SIGNAL GENERATOR 5kHz 3.0GHz 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 로데슈바르츠
품명 시그널 제너레이타
모델명 SMT03
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Additional Features:

  • Frequency range: 5 kHz to 3 GHz
  • Frequency Resolution: 0.1 Hz 
  • Phase offset adjustable in 1° steps
  • For Receiver and EMS Measurements
  • Ideal EMS Signal Source with Specified Frequency Range from 5 kHz
  • AM, FM, Phase M, Pulse Modulation
  • FM DC with High Carrier Frequency Accuracy
  • Broadband FM from DC to 8 MHz, Broadband phiM from DC to 2 MHz
  • Convenient RF/LF/Level Sweep
  • Programmable Level Correction (Compensation of External Frequency Response)
  • Large, Blacklit LCD for Clear Display of all Relevant Settings
  • Minimum RF Leakage Due to Special Shielding Measures
  • Digital Radio Receiver
  • Digital Radio Network
  • Analog Modulations

The SMT03 covers the complete range of conventional analog receiver measurements. It provides an exceptionally high signal quality for a generator in this price category, as well as outstanding level accuracy, a wide variety of modulation and signal generation modes, customized configuration, and great ease of operation. 

Features such as programmable RF, LF and level sweeps as well as the correction of external frequency response make the SMT an ideal source for EMS measurements.


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