애질런트 4279A 1MHz C-Vmeter 렌탈 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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애질런트 4279A 1MHz C-Vmeter 렌탈 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

애질런트 4279A 1MHz C-Vmeter 렌탈 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 키사이트
브랜드 Keysight Technologies
품명 애질런트 4279A
모델명 DSOX4034A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Key Features & Specifications

Measurement Time

  • C-V measurement for performing doping profile of wafers.
  • C-V characterization and sorting of varactor diodes.
  • Capacitance testing of rf mixer and switching diodes.
  • Testing capacitors with an applied DC bias for incoming inspection.
  • Measurement Time: 10ms/20ms/30ms
  • Measurement Accuracy: 0.1% (20ms)
  • Internal DC Bias: 0 to +/-38V, 0.1% programmable sweep
  • Measurement Range: 0.00001pF to 1280pF


The 4279A 1MHz C-V Meter offers the optimum solution for increasing quality and throughput when measuring the capacitance vs bias voltage characteristics of semiconductors. The 4279A measures capacitance over a range of 0.00001pF to 1280.00pF with a basic accuracy of 0.1% and a 6 digit display resolution while sweeping the DC bias voltage. An internal, programmable dc bias sweep source with a 0.1% voltage accuracy throughout the +/-38V range assures very low measurement error due to low bias voltage uncertainty. It makes the 4279A ideal for the precise characterization and testing of varactor diodes, MOS diodes, etc. Measurement time can be selected from three modes of 10ms, 20ms and 30ms/meas to maximize productivity. The 4279A's very fast ranging and high speed GP-IB data transfer capabilities reduce test time. The automatic bias polarity control feature allows quick selection of the correct polarity bias voltage for the device under test. This new function eases manual testing of samples in incoming/outgoing inspection and provides a simple method of polarity control for automatic test systems.


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