렌탈 임대 3상 AC파워 서플라이, AC소스 30kVA extech 6330 > AC소스

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렌탈 임대 3상 AC파워 서플라이, AC소스 30kVA extech 6330 > AC소스

렌탈 임대 3상 AC파워 서플라이, AC소스 30kVA extech 6330 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 익스텍
품명 3상출력 AC소스
모델명 6330
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈 임대 문의 : 010-4221-0660


6300 시리즈는 3KVA 부터 120KVA까지의 3상 전원 공급을 할 수 있는 SMPS 방식의 대용량 Programmable AC 전원 공급기 입니다.
1. 프로그래밍 삼상 전원 공급기
2. 2. Switching Type 디자인
3. 0~300Vac 출력 기본 47~63Hz (옵션 500Hz 확장),
4. 3KVA 부터 120KVA 의 다양한 용량의 제품
5. 8개의 메모리와 메모리당 5개의 스텝 내장 자동 루프 999900 Cycle
6. 3:1의 Crest Factor
7. Over Current Fold Back 모드
8. 과부하, Short, 온도 보호기능
9. 2m/s의 빠른 회복 속도
10. 1% 이하의 파형 왜곡율
11. High/Low 제한 설정 가능(Voltage, current, Frequency, Power, Power Factor)
12. Optional Rs-232C / GPIB Interface



MODEL 6303 6306 6309 6315 6330 6360 6390 63120 63150 63180
Voltage 230Vac±15% 220/380Vac±10%
Frequency 47-63Hz
Max. Current*2 (approx) 30A 55A 25A 40A 75A 150A 230A 300A 375A 450A
Power Factor 0.7 0.8
Max. Power Single-Phase 1KVA 2KVA 3KVA 5KVA 10KVA 20KVA 30KVA 40KVA 50KVA 60KVA
Total Power 3KVA 6KVA 9KVA 15KVA 30KVA 60KVA 90KVA 120KVA 150KVA 180KVA
Max. Current (r.m.s), 0-150V 8.4A 16.8A 25.2A 42.0A 84.0A 168.0A 252.0A 336.0A 420.0A 504.0A
Single-Phase*3 0-300V 4.2A 8.4A 12.6A 21.0A 42.0A 84.0A 126.0A 168.0A 210.0A 252.0A
Max. Current (r.m.s), Single-Phase 0-300V 4.2A 8.4A 12.6A 21.0A 42.0A 84.0A 126.0A 168.0A 210.0A 252.0A
(Option 0 - 600V)*4 0-600V 2.1A 4.2A 6.3A 10.5A 21.0A 42.0A 63.0A 84.0A 105.0A 126.0A
Phase 3ø / 4W
Total Harmonic Distortion (T.H.D) < 1% at 47 - 63Hz (Resistive Load)
Crest Factor ≥3
Line Regulation ± 0.1V
Load Regulation L - N : ± (0.5% of output + 0.5V) / L - L : ± (1% of output + 1V) at Resistive Load
Deviation of phase angle 120° ≤ ±1° at Load Balance, 120° ≤ ±2.5° at 100% Load Unblance
Response Time < 2 msec
Voltage Range 0-150V/0-300V Selectable or 0-300V/0-600V Selectable(Option 0-600V)
Resolution 0.1V
Accuracy ±(1% of setting + 2counts)
Frequency Range 47.0-63.0Hz Full Range Adjust
Resolution 0.1Hz
Accuracy ±0.02% of setting
Voltage L - N Range 0.0-300.0V / 0.0-600.0V
L - L Range 0.0-520.0V / 0.0-1040V
Resolution 0.1V / 0.2V
Accuracy*6 ± (1% of reading + 2counts)
Frequency Range 47.0 - 500.0Hz
Resolution 0.1Hz
Accuracy ±0.1Hz
Current (r.m.s) Range L 0.000-3.500A 0.00-35.00A
H 3.00-35.00A 30.00-350.0A
Resolution L 0.001A 0.01A
H 0.01A 0.1A
Accuracy L ± (1% of reading +5counts) ± (1% of reading +2counts)
H ± (1% of reading +1count) ± (1% of reading +1count)
Current (r.m.s) Range L 0.000-3.500A 0.00-35.00A
(Option 0-600V) H 3.00-35.00A 30.00-350.0A
  Resolution L 0.001A 0.01A
  H 0.01A 0.1A
  Accuracy L ± (1% of reading +5counts) ± (1% of reading +2counts)
  H ± (1% of reading +1count) ± (1% of reading +1count)
Power Range L 0.0-350.0W 0.000-3.500KW
H 300-4000W 3.00-40.00KW
Resolution L 0.1W 0.001KW
H 1W 0.01KW
Accuracy L ± (1.5% of reading +5counts)
H ± (1.5% of reading +1count)
Power Factor Range 0.000-1.000
Resolution 0.001
Accuracy W / V x A , Calculated and displayed to three significant digits
PLC Remote I/P:ON/OFF, P1, P2, P3, O/P:Processing
Memory 8 Memoies, 5steps per memory for Voltage, Frequency, Test Time, Delay time and Current, Power, Power Factor Hi, Lo Limit setting
Timer 0 = Continuous, 1 - 9999 (Unit : sec, minute, hour selectable)
Auto Loop Cycle 0 = Continuous, OFF = Loop Once, 2 - 9999 (Unit : ×1, ×10, ×100)
Auto Voltage Adjust Enable it for improve voltage regulation within ±0.1V
Efficiency ?80%(at Full Load ) ?85%(at Full Load )
Protection Over Load, Short Circuit, Over Temperaturer, Over Voltage, Over Power and Alarm
Calibration Front Panel Calibration
Interface (Option) GPIB, USB & RS232
Operation Environment 0 - 40℃ / 20 - 80%RH
Dimension, mm*5 W 430 430 430 430 600 800 1200 1200 1600 1600
H 602(709) 602(709) 732(839) 732(839) 842(949) 1557(1707) 1557(1804) 1557(1804) 1800 1800
D 650(730) 650(730) 650(730) 650(730) 900(980) 900(980) 900(980) 900(980) 1100 1100
Dimension (PFC), mm*5 W 430 430 600 600 600 800 1200 1200 - -
H 732(839) 732(839) 732(839) 732(839) 842(949) 1557(1707) 1557(1804) 1557(1804) - -
D 650(730) 650(730) 900(980) 900(980) 900(980) 900(980) 900(980) 1100(1180) - -
Net Weight 130Kg 145Kg 171Kg 207Kg 366Kg 497Kg 820Kg 1300Kg 1800Kg 2100Kg
Net Weight (PFC) 167Kg 195Kg 250Kg 311Kg 530Kg 770Kg 1200Kg 1800Kg - -
*1 No PFC function can be optioned for 1Ø input models product specifications are subject to change without notice.
*2 Max. Current without PFC Function
*3 At working voltage 120V / 240V
*4 At working voltage 240V / 480V
*5 Figure in parentheses are maximum values
*6 When output voltage < 30V, ADJ = ON can be meet this spec.



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