NHR 4600 중고 AC-Load 3kW 판매, 렌탈 > AC소스

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NHR 4600 중고 AC-Load 3kW 판매, 렌탈 > AC소스

NHR 4600 중고 AC-Load 3kW 판매, 렌탈 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 NHR
브랜드 NHR
품명 AC소스
모델명 4600
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • 6 sizes – 3 to 36kW, 30 – 360A, 50 – 350V
  • Single and 3-phase configurations
  • 12 high-accuracy internal measurements
  • 100-step macro for per cycle loading changes
  • User-defined waveforms
  • CC, CR, CV, CP, SC, UPF and CNL emulation modes
  • PC control using Lab VIEW and IVI drivers
  • LAN, RS232, USB communication interface
  • PC softpanel GUI with current, voltage & power waveform display
This AC Load (4600 Series) is designed for test applications that require linear and non-linear AC loading in several emulation modes with Power and Crest Factor control. This programmable versatility allows testing with a wide variety of potential field operating conditions to assure unit-under-test (UUT) reliability. Products tested include uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), AC sources, inverters, switches, circuit breakers, fuses and connectors.


programmable ac electronic load 4600 series

  • Field-proven reliability
  • Simplifies automated test stand development
    – Triggerable set & measurement
    – True short circuit mode
    – Built-in SW watchdog
  • Software tools to shorten test development time
    – PC-based Softpanel GUI with scope display
    – Supplied LabVIEW & IVI-C/IVI-COM drivers
    – Optional: AC Load or emPower® test sequencers


  • Field upgradeable (3kW/ф steps)
  • Built in features reduce cost & simplifies setup
    – Requires fewer additional test devices
    – Fewer devices simplifies test stand wiring
  • Sizable for 1ф & 3ф configurations


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