MN-447A 2CH Noise Meter > 기타 계측기

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MN-447A 2CH Noise Meter > 기타 계측기

MN-447A 2CH Noise Meter 요약정보 및 구매

Noise Meter

시리즈명 701312
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

Noise Meter

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


MN-447A 2ch Noise Meter

The MN-447A is intended for accurate determination of noise and signal levels in the audio range.
It is equipped with two identical measuring channels to permit simultaneous measurements of two input signals.
Measurements of noise voltages are possible with use of one of five weighting filters based on standards of DIN, CCIR and JIS.
Indicating systems are for quasi-peak, average and effective values to meet with requirements of the different standards.
For convenience in S/N measurements, a variable sensitivity control is provided for use in conjunction with the dB scales.
Further, a back-up function is provided.


Five weighting filters included: DIN/AUDIO, DIN/NOISE, IEC, CCIR/ARM
Indication modes in accordance with - At QUASI-PEAK, AVER., and R.M.S.
Continuously adjustable gain control provided for 0 to approximately, -10dB range.
Usable as a wideband high gain amplifier (approx. 100dB at maximum sensitivity) with AC and DC outputs.
Weighting filter at the CCIR/ARM setting enables testing of circuits, which include the Dolby noise reduction system.
Two-pointer meter enables comparison of two input levels at the same time.


 Input Frequency Range
10Hz to 500kHz, without weighting filters

 Voltmeter Range
10µV to 300V, full scale, 16 range in 1, 3, 10 sequence
-100dB to +50dB, full scale (0dB=1Vrms)

-98 to +52dBm, full scale (0dBm=0.775Vrms)

AVER.±3% of full scale, except 10µV range.
QUASI-PEAK, R.M.S.±5% of full scale, except 10µV and 30µV ranges.
(Note: Not applicable at above 100V or 42dBm, or when using a weighting filter.)

 Frequency Characteristic
• 10µV range±5% : 20Hz to 20kHz
±7% : 10Hz to 30kHz
±15% : 30kHz to 50kHz
• 30µV, 100µV range±5% : 20Hz to 100kHz
±7% : 10Hz to 200kHz
±15% : 200kHz to 300kHz
• Above 300µV range±3% : 20Hz to 200kHz
±7% : 10Hz to 500kHz
• 10µV range±10% : 20Hz to 20kHz
±15% : 10Hz to 30kHz
• Above 30µV range±10% : 10Hz to 50kHz

 Indication and Scales

For the quasi-peak value referred to the effective value of a sinusoidal voltage in accordance with DIN 45405 (1967), DIN 45405 (1978), CCIR (468-1) and CCIR (468-2).

b) AVER.Average value referred to the effective value of a sinusoidal voltage.
c) R.M.S.Effective value referred to the effective value of a sinusoidal voltage. (Waveform factor<2).
[Note]When the CCIR/ARM weighting filter is used, the AVERAGE value is indicated regardless of the INDICATION switch setting.

 Weighing Filters

Conforms to DIN 45405 (1967) for audio, 10Hz to 20kHz, measurements.


Conforms to DIN 45405 (1967) for noise voltage measurements.

c) IECFor noise voltage measurements in conformance with the following: JIS C1502A, JIS C5551A, IHF-A-202, IEC 179-A and NAB.
d) CCIRFor noise voltage measurements in conformance with the following (ref. 0dB at 1kHz): CCIR (468-1), CCIR (468-2) and DIN 45405 (1978).
e) CCIR/ARMConforms to the Dolby System noise voltage measurements (ref. 0dB at 2kHz).
Optional filtersOn order, any or all special types given below can be installed in place of the standard types:
(1) Band pass: 1kHz, 36dB
(2) Band pass: 1kHz, 60dB
(3) Band pass: 400Hz, 60dB
(4) IHF/T-200

 Adjustable Sensitivity Range
0 to over -10dB.

 Input Impedance
1MΩ, approx. 30pF in shunt; unbalanced.

 Maximum Input Voltage
10µV to 30mV rangeAC: 10Vrms, DC: 450V
above 100mV range

AC: 330Vrms, DC+AC peak

 Output Voltage (At meter full scale and at open circuit)
AC1Vrms ±10%
DC1V ±10%

 Output Frequency Response
AC10Hz to 500kHz ±5% into 600Ω termination.
DC10Hz to 500kHz ±5%.

 Output Impedance
ACApprox. 600Ω, unbalanced.
DCApprox. 1kΩ, unbalanced.

 Residual Noise
VER. , R.M.S.10µV Range : <1.5µV
30µV Range : <3.0µV
QUASI-PEAK10µV Range : <2.0µV
30µV Range : <4.0µV

 Remote Control

Parallel method, positive logic, C MOS level; with photo-isolator
INDICATION 2-bit (common channel).
WEIGHTING 3-bit (common channel).
RANGE Switching 4-bit +4-bit (separate channels).

Power Requirements

AC 100V, 115V, 215V or 230V ±10% (Voltage selector provided),50/60Hz; approx. 40VA.

DimensionsApprox. 150 (W)×225 (H)×395 (D) mm
WeightApprox. 7kg
AccessoriesInput cable : 2ea.



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