중고 애질런트 오실로스코프 InfiniiVision MSO7104A 1GHz 4GSa/s AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 애질런트 오실로스코프 InfiniiVision MSO7104A 1GHz 4GSa/s AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 애질런트 오실로스코프 InfiniiVision MSO7104A 1GHz 4GSa/s AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 MSO7104A
판매가격 전화문의
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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


랩 스코프 성능

  • 1GHz의 대역폭
  • 4개의 아날로그 채널 + 16개의 디지털 채널
  • 4GSa/s 샘플링 속도
  • 표준 8Mpts MegaZoom III 딥 메모리

최고의 가시성을 제공하도록 설계

  • 256단계의 밝기 강도 등급이 지원되는12.1” XGA 디스플레이에 미세한 신호 세부사항 표시
  • 최대 100,000파형/초의 타의 추종을 불허하는 업계 최고의 업데이트 속도로 간헐적 이벤트 표시

광범위한 어플리케이션 패키지

  • I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, RS-232/UART 및 FlexRay를 포함하는 시리얼 디코드
  • Xilinx 및 Altera 디바이스용 코어 지원 FPGA 디버그
  • 세그먼트화된 메모리
  • 이전에 수집한 데이터에 대한 PC 기반의 오프라인 분석 및 보기

온라인 비디오를 보면서 스스로 확인

12.1" XGA 디스플레이가 장착된 키사이트 InfiniiVision MSO7104A는 깊이가 6.5"이고 무게는 13파운드에 불과한 안정적인 패키지로 제공됩니다. 초당 최대 100,000파형이라는 타의 추종을 불허하는 세계 최고의 업데이트 속도를 통해 다다른 스코프들이 놓치는 미세한 신호 세부사항 및 간헐적 이벤트를 볼 수 있습니다. 광범위한 어플리케이션 패키지는 신속한 측정 통찰력을 제공합니다.



The MSO7104A is a 1 GHz, 4+16 channel Mixed Signal Oscilloscope from Keysight Agilent. Measure voltage or current signals over time in an electronic circuit or component to display amplitude, frequency, rise time, etc. Applications include troubleshooting, production test, and design. 



Additional Features:

  • Bandwidth: 1 GHz
  • Channels: 4 Analog and 16 Digital
  • Sample Rate: 4 GSa/s
  • Record Length: Standard 8 Mpts MegaZoom III deep memory
  • Vertical resolution: 8 bits
  • Autoscale and Peak detect
  • Insightful application software
  • Segmented memory
  • Waveform math with FFT
  • Analog HDTV/EDTV trigger
  • Bus mode display and easy software upgrades
  • PC-based offline analysis and viewing of previously acquired data
  • Power analysis
  • Responsive controls and best signal visibility
  • Revolutionary high-resolution display: 12.1” XGA display with 256 intensity levels shows subtle signal detail
  • Industry’s-fastest uncompromised update rate of up to 100,000 waveforms/sec displays infrequent events
  • Serial decode including: I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, RS-232/UART, and I2S

The Agilent HP MSO7104A InfiniiVision Mixed Signal Oscilliscope, equipped with a 12.1” XGA display, comes in a quiet package that is just 6.5” deep, and weighs only 13 pounds. With the world’s fastest uncompromised update rate, up to 100,000 waveforms per second, see subtle signal detail and infrequent events other scopes miss. A wide range of application packages provide rapid measurement insight.

Biggest display

Oscilloscopes are visual tools and large, high-resolution screens make the product better. Bigger displays have become increasingly important as general purpose scopes need more space to display digital and serial signals in addition to traditional scope channels. The increased display size helps you easily view up to 20 channels simultaneously with serial protocol. At 12.1 inches the display is nearly 40% bigger than any competitive model.

Fastest architecture

See a display more representative of the actual signals under test than with any other scope. The InfiniiVision 7000A Series shows jitter, infrequent events, and subtle signal detail that other scopes miss. Turn knobs and the instrument responds instantly and effortlessly. Need to also view digital channels? The instrument stays responsive. Decoding serial packets? Offering the industry’s only hardware-accelerated serial bus decode, Agilent’s InfiniiVision series delivers serial debug without compromising analog measurements.

Mega Zoom III

InfiniiVision scopes incorporate acquisition memory, waveform processing, and display memory in an advanced 0.13 µ ASIC. This patented 3rd generation technology, known as MegaZoom III, delivers up to 100,000 waveforms (acquisitions) per second with responsive deep memory always available.

Insightful applications

Customize your general purpose scope. A wide range of application packages provide meaningful insight into your application-specific problems: I2C, SPI • Core-assisted FPGA debug • Secure environment • CAN/LIN • Segmented memory • MIL-STD-1553 • RS-232/UART • Vector signal analysis • FlexRay • I2S • DSO/MSO ofline analysis • Mask testing • Power measurement



















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