중고 33622A 키사이트 임의 파형 발생기 KEYSIGHT, 120MHz, 2채널 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 33622A 키사이트 임의 파형 발생기 KEYSIGHT, 120MHz, 2채널 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 33622A 키사이트 임의 파형 발생기 KEYSIGHT, 120MHz, 2채널 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 33622A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



The 33622A waveform generator with exclusive Trueform signal generation technology offers more capability, fidelity and flexibility than the previous generation Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) generators. Use them to accelerate your development process from start to finish. Keysight's Trueform technology offers a new alternative that blends the best of DDS and point-per-clock architectures, giving you the benefits of both without the limitations of either. Trueform technology uses an exclusive digital sampling technique that delivers unmatched performance at the same low price you are accustomed to with DDS.
  • So you can perform deeper testing - see One Page Summary for further information
  • Easily generate the full range of signals you need for the most demanding measurements
  • Select just the capabilities you need now, then upgrade easily when your needs change
  • 1 ps jitter, 1/100th the jitter of DDS generators
  • 5x lower harmonic distortion than DDS
  • Compatible with Keysight BenchVue software
  • Provides standard PRBS patterns, PN3 through PN32 Select PN type, set bit rate, set edge times
  • Easily set up & control your 33600A remotely over LAN using the built-in LXI Web browser
  • Various upgrades available including bandwidth, GPIB and Memory




  • 1 µHz to 120 MHz sine
  • 2-Channels
  • Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, PRBS (Pseudorandom Binary Sequence), DC
  • AM, FM, PM, FSK, BPSK, PWM, Sum (carrier + modulation)
  • Built-in ARB: Cardiac, Exponential Fall, Exponential Rise, Gaussian Pulse, Haversine, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Negative Ramp, Sinc
  • User Defined Arb: Up to 4 MSa (64 MSa with Option MEM) with multi segment sequencing
  • Amplitude ranges: 1 mVpp up to 10 Vpp
  • LAN (LXI-C), USB included
  • Optional GPIB (3446GPBU)

Clean, Low-Distortion, Stable, and Reliable Signals

When testing a device, you need a source that produces a clean, low-distortion, stable and reliable signal. Keysight's exclusive Trueform technology gives you the confidence to produce the exact waveforms you need with best-in-class signal fidelity, surpassing the performance of direct digital synthesis (DDS) technology. With Trueform Series Waveform and Function Generators, you can define any waveform shape and any waveform length using point-by-point arbitrary waveform capability. Anti-aliasing technology ensures your waveforms are exceptionally accurate, and playable at any rate you select. Play signals as defined, at the exact sample rate, without missing short-duration anomalies critical for testing device reliability.

  • Better signal integrity
    Get the waveform you want, regardless of frequency or sample rate.
  • Lower harmonic distortion
    Measure your design characteristics, not those of your waveform generator.
  • Reduced jitter
    Less jitter gives you exceptionally low phase noise for the most accurate representation of signals.
  • Variable bandwidth noise
    Adjust the bandwidth of the built-in noise generator to control the frequency content of your signal.
  • Waveform summing and combining capability
    You can create dual-tone multifrequency signals without a dual-channel generator. On a two-channel model, you can sum and combine up to four signals.
  • BenchVue enabled
    Intuitively control your waveform generators, build automated tests, and design custom waveforms from your PC.



















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