광파워미터용 중고 파워 센서 중고 키사이트 8485D Power Sensor Keysight Technologies > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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광파워미터용 중고 파워 센서 중고 키사이트 8485D Power Sensor Keysight Technologies > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

광파워미터용 중고 파워 센서 중고 키사이트 8485D Power Sensor Keysight Technologies 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 8485D
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • 탁월한 SWR을 통해 부정합 불확실성 감소
  • US NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)에 의거한 정확한 교정 및 추적성
  • EPM, EPM-P, P 시리즈 파워 미터, E1416A VXI 및 단종된 70100A 및 43X 파워 미터와 호환
  • -70 ~ -20dBm 범위의 정확한 평균 전력 측정
  • 50MHz 26.5GHz의 주파수 범위
  • 다이오드 전력 감지 소자


  • 탁월한 SWR을 통해 부정합 불확실성 감소
  • US NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)에 대한 정확한 교정 및 추적성
  • EPM, EPM-P, P 시리즈 파워 미터, E1416A VXI 및 단종된 70100A 및 43X 파워 미터와 호환
  • -70 ~ -20dBm 범위의 정확한 평균 전력 측정
  • 50MHz ~ 26.5GHz의 주파수 범위
  • 다이오드 전력 감지 소자

 The Agilent 8485D diode power sensor is designed for use with the EPM series, EPM-P series, 70100A, E1416A and the 43x series power meters, and provides extraordinary accuracy and stability. The 8485D power sensor measures the average power over its entire -70 to -20 dBm dynamic range which gives you accurate readings even if your test signal is subjected to multitone environments, modulated carriers, or carriers with high harmonics.




  • Accurate average power measurements over -70 to -20 dBm
  • Frequency range 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz (8485D with Option 100)
  • 3.5mm (male) connector
  • Diode power sensing element
  • Excellent SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty
  • Accurate calibration and traceability to US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) millimeter-wave sensor calibration
  • Compatible with EPM (N1913A/14A, E4418B/19B), EPM-P (E4416A/17A) and P-series (N1911A/12A) power meters, plus the E1416A VXI and discontinued 70100A and 43X power meter



 The 8485D is a 10uW power sensor covering the range -70dBm to -20dBm, from 50MHz to 26.5GHz. APC 3.5mm connector.

The 8480 series power sensors are designed for use with the 435B, 436A, 437B, 438A, 70100A, E1416A and now the E4418B and E4419B power meters. These thermocouple and diode power sensors provide extraordinary accuracy, stability, and SWR over a wide range of frequencies (100 kHz to 110 GHz) and power levels -70 dBm to +44 dBm).

Mismatch uncertainty is usually the largest single source of error in power measurements. The Keysight (Agilent/HP) 8480 power sensor family gives you extremely low SWR even at mm-wave frequencies. Each power sensor in the Keysight (Agilent/HP) 8480 family is individually calibrated and shipped with Cal Factor v Freq data.

HP high-sensitivity diode power sensors (HP 8481D/5D/6D/7D) are always operated inside the square-law region. This means that the sensor will act as a true-RMS reading device over its entire -70 to -20 dBm dynamic range. The benefit to you: Keysight (Agilent/HP) sensors provide you with accurate readings even if your test signal is subjected to multitone environments, modulated carriers, or carriers with high harmonics.













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