히오끼 중고 전력분석기 PW3365-10 클램프온 로거 판매 > HIOKI

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히오끼 중고 전력분석기 PW3365-10 클램프온 로거 판매 > HIOKI

히오끼 중고 전력분석기 PW3365-10 클램프온 로거 판매 요약정보 및 구매

세계최초 금속 비접촉 전력측정! 단락의 걱정 제로

제조사 히오키
품명 클램프 온 파워 로거
모델명 PW3365-10
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세계최초 금속 비접촉 전력측정! 단락의 걱정 제로

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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660 



세계 최초 금속 비접촉 전력측정! 단락의 우려 제로


히오키의 클램프-온 전력계는 정확하고 안전하게 단상과 삼상 라인의 전원을 측정하기 위해 클램프 센서 입력을 이용하는 멀티 채널 전력 측정 디바이스입니다. 전압/전류 실효 값, 전압/전류 기본파 값, 전압/전류 기본파 위상 각, 주파수, 전압파형피크(절대값), 전류파형피크(절대값), 유효/무효/피상 전력, 역률 또는 변위 역률, 유효/무효 전력량, 유효/무효 전력 디맨드량, 유효/무효 전력 디맨드 값, 역률 디맨드, 전기요금표시 등 많은 기능을 갖추고 있습니다. 측정 가능 회로는 50/60 Hz 단상 2선(1/2/3 회로), 단상 3선 (1회로), 단상 3선 (1회로), 3상 3선/3상 4선 (1회로) 입니다.



PW3365-20 본체만으로는 전류ㆍ전력을 측정할 수 없습니다. 측정 목적에 따라 옵션의 클램프 온 센서를 별도로 구입해 주십시오. 3P3W3M, 3P4W 측정시에는 전압 센서를 1개 추가로 구입해 주십시오. 또한, 측정데이터를 저장할때는 동작이 보증되는 당사 옵션 SD카드를 구입해 사용해 주십시오. 



  • 케이블 위에다 전압측정, 단락의 위험 제로
  • 건물 및 사무실 전력 측정에, 에너지 절약운동 확인에 최적
  • 단상부터 3상4선, 400V 라인까지 대응
  • 최소 50.000mA 레인지부터 누설전류 측정 가능(옵션 센서 필요)
  • SD카드에 장기간 저장 가능
  • 설정안내기능으로 확실한 연결 지원(연결상태를 리얼한 그래픽 화면으로 안내)

측정라인 (측정가능 회로수)50/60 Hz, 단상2선 (1/2/3 회로), 단상3선 (1회로), 단상3선 (1회로), 3상3선/3상4선 (1회로), 전류만 1 ~ 3채널
측정 항목전압/전류 실효값, 전압/전류 기본파값, 전압/전류 기본파 위상각, 주파수, 전압파형피크(절대값), 전류파형피크(절대값), 유효/무효/피상 전력, 역률(lagㆍlead) 또는 변위역률(lagㆍlead), 유효(소비ㆍ회생)/무효 전력량(lagㆍlead),유효(소비ㆍ회생)/무효 전력 디맨드량(lagㆍlead), 유효(소비ㆍ회생)/무효 전력 디맨드값(lagㆍlead), 역률 디맨드, 전기요금표시
전압 레인지AC 400 V
전류 레인지AC 500.00 mA ~ 5.0000 kA까지 (사용하는 전류 센서에 따라 측정범위가 다름), AC 50.000 mA ~ 5.0000 A (누설전류만)
전력 레인지200.00 W ~ 6.0000 MW (전압/전류 레인지와 측정라인 조합에 따름)
기본 정확도전압 : ±1.5% rdg. ±0.2% f.s(PW3365-20 + PW9020 조합 정확도) 
전류 : ±0.3% rdg. ±0.1% f.s. + 전류 센서 정확도 
전력 : ±2.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s. + 전류 센서 정확도 (역률 = 1)
표시 갱신 레이트약 0.5초 (SD 카드ㆍ내부 메모리 접속시, LANㆍUSB 통신시는 제외)
데이터 기록SD 메모리 카드/내부 메모리에 실시간 저장
저장 인터벌시간1 ~ 30초, 1 ~ 60분, 14 전환
저장 항목측정값 저장 : 평균값만, 평균ㆍ최대ㆍ최소값
화면 복사 : BMP 형식 (최단 인터벌 시간 5분 마다 저장 가능)
파형 저장 : Binary 형식(최단 인터벌시간 1분 마다 저장 가능)
인터페이스SD 메모리 카드 
HTTP 서버 기능, 통신 소프트웨어를 통한 설정, 데이터 다운로드 
USB 2.0 : PC와 연결시 SD 메모리 카드와 내부 메모리를 removable 디스크로 인식, 통신 소프트웨어를 통한 설정, 데이터 다운로드
Pulse output : proportional to active power consumption when measuring integral power consumption, Isolated open-collector signal
기능결선 확인, 설정안내, 클록 등
전원AC 어댑터 Z1008(AC 100 ~ 240 V , 50/60 Hz), 45 VA (AC 어댑터 포함) 배터리팩 9459 (DC 7.2 V, 3 VA, AC 어댑터 연결에 의한 충전시간 6시간10분), 연속사용시간 5시간 (백라이트 off)
치수 및 질량180W × 100H × 48 D mm, 540g (PW9002 미장착 시)
180 W × 100H × 68D mm, 820g (PW9002 장착 시)
부속품전압센서 PW9020 ×1세트, AC 어댑터 Z1008 ×1, USB 케이블 ×1, 사용설명서 ×1, 측정가이드 ×1, 컬러 spiral 튜브 ×1 세트(빨강, 노랑, 파랑 각 4개), Spiral 튜브 ×10(코드 결속용)



Hioki Clamp On Power Meters are multi-channel power measuring devices utilizing clamp sensor input to accurately and safely measure power on single-phase to three-phase lines. The PW3365 power logger takes safety and convenience one step further by being the world’s first non-metallic contact power meter that utilizes completely covered voltage clips that can be attached to any part of a cable or busbar. Customers can now monitor power demand and other power parameters to aid in energy audits and validate energy saving measures without risk of short-circuit accidents, power interruptions, or bodily injury due to electrocutions.

Safely and easily measure power without the need to shut off the circuit breaker first with a clamp-on power logger

Although technicians had to connect instruments to metal terminals in order to measure voltage when measuring power in the past, Hioki’s newly developed no-metal-contact voltage sensor makes it possible to measure voltage simply by clamping the sensor around an insulated wire. This approach completely eliminates the risk of short-circuits since metal never comes into contact with live components, and it simplifies the sensor attachment process even when terminals are covered since the sensor can be simply clipped around the cable without removing the cover.

Harmonic Testing | Analyze from the fundamental wave up to the 13th order with the PW3365 Clamp On Power Logger (from version 2.00)

Use the Hioki PW3365 Clamp On Power Logger to analyze the fundamental waveform up to the 13th order of harmonic components that are included in the voltage and current signals of 50/60Hz power lines. Display the total harmonic distortion (THD) and RMS and harmonic content of each harmonic order as a numerical list or graph. In particular, you can now safely and easily measure the 5th and 7th harmonic within the harmonic component which tend to have the greatest impact on power quality.

Graphical, easy-to-understand guidance on how to connect the clamp-on power logger

The PW3365’s Quick Setup feature guides you through the process of setting up the instrument for measurement, right up to starting measurement, to make even 3-phase power measurement a breeze. Since any mistaken connections will trigger a FAIL message, the feature also helps prevent measurement mistakes.

Display clamp-on power logger measurement results as a graph so you can review them at a glance

The PW3365 displays recorded measured values as a graph for convenient use in power management. In addition to instantaneous measured values, you can review maximum, minimum, and average values by moving the cursor on the demand and trend graph displays.


  Key Features • Measure voltage from the top of the cable with zero risk of short circuit • Supports single to three-phase, 4-wire circuits • Measure between 90V to 520V • Display harmonics up to the 13th order • Slim, compact design that can be placed anywhere • Store months of data on SD cards • QUICK SET function guides you in making the right connections

Measurement line & number of circuits50/60 Hz, Single phase 2 wires (1/2/3 circuits), Single phase 3 wires (1 circuit), Three phases 3 wires (1 circuit), Three phases 4 wires (1 circuit), Current only: 1 to 3 channels
Measurement itemsVoltage RMS, current RMS, voltage fundamental wave value, current fundamental wave value, voltage fundamental wave phase angle, current fundamental wave phase angle, frequency (U1), voltage waveform peak (absolute value), current waveform peak (absolute value), active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor (with lag/lead display) or displacement power factor (with lag/lead display), active energy (consumption, regeneration), reactive energy (lag, lead), energy cost display, active power demand quantity (consumption, regeneration), reactive power demand quantity (lag, lead), active power demand value (consumption, regeneration), reactive power demand value (lag, lead), power factor demand
Voltage ranges400 V AC (Effective measurement range: 90.0 V to 520.0 V)
HarmonicHarmonic voltage, harmonic current, voltage total harmonic distortion (THD-F or THD-R), current total harmonic distortion (THD-F or TDH-R), up to 13th order
Current ranges500.00 mA to 5.0000 kA AC (depends on current sensor in use),
50.000 mA to 5.0000 A AC (Leak clamp on sensor only)
Power ranges200.00 W to 6.0000 MW (depends on voltage/current combination and measured line type)
Basic accuracyVoltage : ±1.5% rdg. ±0.2% f.s(combined accuracy with PW3365-20 + PW9020)
Current : ±0.3% rdg. ±0.1% f.s. + clamp sensor accuracy
Active power : ±2.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s. + clamp sensor accuracy (at power factor = 1)
Display update rate0.5 sec (except when accessing SD card or internal memory, or during LAN/USB communication)
Save destinationSD/SDHC Memory card, or internal memory at real time
Data save interval1 sec to 30 sec, 1 minute to 60 minutes, 14 selections
Save itemsMeasurement value save: Average only / Average, Maximum, Minimum value
Screen copy: BMP form (saved every 5 min. at minimum interval time)
Waveform save: Binary waveform data
InterfacesSD/SDHC memory card, LAN 100BASE-TX: HTTP server function, remote settings via communication program, data download, USB 2.0: When connected to a PC, the SD Card and internal memory are recognized as removable storage devices, remote settings via communication program, data download
FunctionsConnection check, Quick Set navigation guide, clock
Power supplyAC adapter Z1008: (100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz), 45 VA (including AC adapter)
Battery pack 9459: (DC 7.2 V, 3 VA, charging time 6 hr 10 m), 5 hours of continuous use (with back light off)
Dimensions and mass180 mm (7.09 in)W × 100 mm (3.94 in)H × 48 mm (1.89 in)D, 540 g (19 oz) without PW9002
180 mm (7.09 in)W × 100 mm (3.94 in)H × 68 mm (2.68 in)D, 820 g (28.9 oz) with PW9002
AccessoriesSafety Voltage Sensor PW9020 ×1 set, AC adapter Z1008 ×1, USB cable ×1, Instruction manual ×1, Measurement guide ×1, Color clip (red, yellow, blue and white each 4), Spiral tubes in black (cord bundling for current sensors and voltage sensors) ×10




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