중고 WT3000 YOKOGAWA 파워아날라이저 판매 > 전력분석기

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중고 WT3000 YOKOGAWA 파워아날라이저 판매 > 전력분석기

중고 WT3000 YOKOGAWA 파워아날라이저 판매 요약정보 및 구매

중고판매 및 렌탈 서비스 상품입니다.

모델명 WT3000
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

중고판매 및 렌탈 서비스 상품입니다.

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The WT3000 is the ideal measurement solution for applications such as product efficiency testing, engineering, R&D work on inverters, motor drives, lighting systems and electronic ballasts, UPS systems, aircraft power systems, transformer testing and other power conversion devices.


With basic power accuracy of ±0.02% reading, DC and 0.1 Hz-1 MHz measurement bandwidths, and up to four input elements, the WT3000 provides higher-accuracy measurement of I/O efficiency.


  • Basic power accuracy: 0.02% of reading
  • 2A current input element
  • Good readability: The large, 8.4-inch LCD and the range indicator LEDs
  • Simultaneous measurement with 2 units (8 power input elements)
  • Store function: 50 ms data storing interval
  • Interface: GP-IB, Ethernet, RS-232 and USB
  • Advanced computation function: Waveform computation, FFT analysis, waveform sampling data saving.
  • IEC61000-3-2 and IEC61000-3-12: Harmonic measurement
  • IEC61000-3-3 and IEC61000-3-11: Voltage fluctuation / flicker measurement
  • IEC61000-4-15 Ed2.0 (Support Flicker meter standard)

More Precise. More Bandwidth. More Features.

  • The WT3000 is a truly innovative measurement solution, combining top-level measurement accuracy with special functions.*
  • The large, 8.4-inch liquid crystal display and the range indicator LEDs ensure good readability and make the system easy to use.

*As compared to Yokogawas WT2000

Have you had problems or questions such as these?

  • When working with efficiency-improvement evaluation data for a high-efficiency motor, improvements cannot be seen unless measurements are taken with very high precision.
  • Measurement efficiency is poor during power measurements and power supply quality measurements.
  • You measure voltage using mean values out of habit, and are wondering if that is really the best approach.
*For answers to these questions, see applications page.

Better Efficiency in Power Measurements

In developing the WT3000, Yokogawa focused on improving efficiency in two basic areas. One goal was to obtain highly precise and simultaneously measurements of the power conversion efficiency of a piece of equipment. The other objective was to improve equipment evaluation efficiency by making simultaneous power evaluations and tests easier and faster.

New Innovations to Enhance the Reliable Measurement Technology;

The Yokogawa WT2000 was very popular with users and considered highly reliable because of its high precision and excellent stability. The WT3000 is based on a measurement system which combines the measurement technology used in the WT2000 as well as other WT Series models. With the WT3000, we made further improvements to the basic performance specifications for even better functionality and reliability. We are confident users will appreciate these improvements to power and efficiency measurements thanks to the new power control technologies we have introduced.

A Variety of External Interface Choices


The WT3000 is the first model in the WT Series which is standard- equipped with a PC card slot (ATA flash card slot). This interface allows data to be saved quickly, so data processing time is reduced. The WT3000 is also standard-equipped with a GP-IB port. In addition, a serial (RS-232) port, Ethernet port, and USB port are available as options. The variety of interface choices allows customers to use the best interfaces for a wide variety of equipment, media, and network environments.




Yokogawa's highest-precision power analyzer *1

The WT3000 has the highest precision of all the Yokogawa power analyzers in the WT series. The models in the WT series are designed to meet a wide variety of user needs. The WT300 series is a high price-performance series which is very popular in production line applications. The WT1800 allows measurement data to be viewed in a variety of ways, including numerical value display, waveform display, and trend display capabilities.


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