중고 표면저항측정기 판매 SRM200, 볼프강,SRM-200 면저항측정기 > 기타 계측기

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중고 표면저항측정기 판매 SRM200, 볼프강,SRM-200 면저항측정기 > 기타 계측기

중고 표면저항측정기 판매 SRM200, 볼프강,SRM-200 면저항측정기 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 볼프강
시리즈명 SRM200
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • ESD TESTING: Perform resistance measurements to determine if a surface is dissipative, conductive, or insulative
  • RANGE: Test range: 10^3-10^12
  • DATA LOGGING: Stores test data (up to 9801 measurement values) in it’s internal memory that can be accessed via USB 
  • SOFTWARE: Quickly build test reports with the included software or export the tests via CSV file
  • ADDITIONAL TESTING: Measures temperature and humidity which is important for understanding resistance measurements. 
  • AUTO-ADJUSTING: The SRM200 can test with 10V or 100V and automatically adjusts based on the material tested
  • PROBE OPTIONS: Uses built-in parallel resistivity probes and can be used with 5lb disc probeshandheld probetwo point probe or concentric ring probes.

Full featured digital Surface Resistance Meter with data storage, temperature and humidity testing!

SRM200 is a very useful instrument for checking surface resistance and resistance to ground. The instrument can be used on different work surfaces, floors, chairs, carts, clothing and packaging materials, etc. The measured value is displayed with LED display that indicates whether the value is conductive, dissipative or insulating. All readings can be stored in the instrument and can by using the included software easily transferred to PC via USB cable.

The measurements can be performed either with the built-in measurement electrodes (fitted with conductive rubber for good conductivity) on the underside of the instrument or preferably together with two 5lb disk measuring electrodes SR0065 or  the two point probe model number 7220.410. Performed measurements with external measuring electrode met the requirements of ANSI ESD S20.20 and IEC61340-5-1. SRM 2000 also has integrated temperature and humidity sensor.

Operation Description


LCD Display

SRM200 LCD Overview


Battery condition is permanently monitored in the LCD display. Connect the instrument to a computer or use the power supply to charge the battery in time. The unit won’t switch on if the battery is damaged. Unscrew the battery lid at the backside of the unit to replace the battery. Replace only a rechargeable battery of the same type and take care of the polarity.

Data Logging and Report Export

All readings can be stored in the SRM200 built-in memory (up to 9801 measurement values) and which can be easily transferred to PC via USB cable.  The measurement data can be filtered and exported to a CSV file.
SRM200 Data Report

A measurement report can be produced with the following data points: Specimen ID, Resistance Classification, Device Serial Number, Resistance, Temperature, Humidity, Date, Min, Max and Comments.


The recommended calibration service interval is 2 years.  If you would like to verify calibration periodically, use the Veribox resistor box.  The Veribox contains three resistance values to compare to the SRM200: 10K, 1M and 1 G.  If the SRM200 measures the correct resistance, calibration is verified.







상품 상세설명













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