Agilent E3620A 파워서플라이 중고품 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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Agilent E3620A 파워서플라이 중고품 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

Agilent E3620A 파워서플라이 중고품 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 키사이트
브랜드 Keysight Technologies
품명 파워서플라이
모델명 E3620A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • 50W dual output
  • Constant voltage (CV) and current limit (CL) modes
  • 10-turn voltage controls
  • Digital voltage and current meters
  • Low noise and excellent regulation

Affordable, full-featured benchtop power supplies provide excellent performance and flexibility

The Agilent E3620A is an affordable dual output 50-watt power supply. This popular supply offers two 0V to 25V outputs with a maximum of 1A to satisfy most bench requirements. The outputs are completely independent and isolated. The output voltage will remain steady even if the load changes or line voltage drops - the E3620A features 0.01 percent load and line regulation. Outputs are individually protected against overload or short circuit damage by separate 1-A current limiting circuits.

Affordable, clean, reliable, power for your bench top.

Multi-output models
With multiple supplies in a compact unit, the E3620A and E3630A give you excellent performance while saving space on your bench. Both instruments feature tight 0.01 percent line and load regulation and a low normal-mode noise specification of less than 0.35mV to ensure clean power for precision circuitry. With a common-mode current specification of less than 1uA, both multiple-output power supplies minimize power line current injection.

Like the single-output models in the E3600 series, the E3620A and E3630A feature separate digital panel meters so you can monitor voltage and current simultaneously. They also protect your DUT against overload and short-circuit damage. Smooth turn-on and turn-off transitions keep power spikes out of your circuits.

E3620A dual-output power supply
The 50-watt E3620A dual-output power supply provides two 0 V to 25 Vdc outputs with the maximum current of 1A to satisfy most bench requirements. The outputs are completely independent and isolated.

A whole family of low-cost power supplies to meet your needs

The E36XX-series of low-cost benchtop power supplies give you the performance of system power supplies without the high price. All E3600 family members give you clean power with dependable regulation and fast transient response.


Keysight Technologies E3620A/30A Non-programmable DC Power Supplies


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