AGILENT 중고 오실로스코프 판매 DSOX3034A 350 MHz, 4채널 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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AGILENT 중고 오실로스코프 판매 DSOX3034A 350 MHz, 4채널 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

AGILENT 중고 오실로스코프 판매 DSOX3034A 350 MHz, 4채널 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 키사이트
브랜드 Keysight Technologies
품명 오실로스코프
모델명 DSOX3034A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660

    • Bandwidth (-3 dB):  350 MHz
    • Calculated rise time (10 - 90%):  ≤ 1 ns
    • Input channels:  4 analog channels
    • Maximum sample rate:
      • 4 GSa/s half channel
      • 2 GSa/s all channel
    • Maximum memory depth:
      • Standard 2 Mpts
      • Optional 4 Mpts
      • Optional segment memory
    • Display size and type:  8.5 WVGA display
    • Waveform update rate:  > 1 million waveforms per second
    • Number of active probes supported:  In general, two for 4-channel models
    • Vertical system analog channels:
      • Hardware bandwidth limits:  Approximately 20 MHz (selectable)
      • Input coupling:  AC, DC
      • Input impedance:  Selectable:  
        • 1 MΩ ± 1% (14 pF)
        • 50 Ω ± 1.5%
      • Input sensitivity range:  1mV/div to 5 V/div (1 MΩ and 50 Ω)
      • Vertical resolution:  8 bits (measurement resolution is 12 bits with averaging)
      • Maximum input voltage:
        • 300 Vrms, 400 Vpk
        • Transient overvoltage 1.6 kVpk
        • With N2862A, N2863A, N2890A 10:1 probe: 300 Vrms
        • Frequency de-rating (assumes sine wave input): 400 Vpk until 40 kHz, then de-rates at 20 dB/dec until 6 Vpk
      • DC vertical accuracy:  ±[DC vertical gain accuracy + DC vertical offset accuracy + 0.25% full scale]
      • DC vertical gain accuracy: ± 2.0% full scale
      • DC vertical offset accuracy:  ± 0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 1% of offset setting
      • Channel-to-channel isolation:  > 100:1 from DC to maximum specified bandwidth of each model (measured with same V/div and coupling on channels)
      • Offset range:
        • ± 2 V (1 mV/div to 200 mV/div)
        • ± 50 V (> 200 mV/div to 5 mV/div)
    • Vertical system digital channels:
      • Digital input channels:  16 digital (D0 to D15. pod 1:D7 ~ D0, Pod 2: D15 ~ D8)
      • Thresholds: Threshold per pod
      • Threshold selections:  TTL (+1.4 V), 5V CMOS (+2.5 V), ECL (-1.3 V), user-defined (selectable by pod)
      • User-defined threshold range:  ± 8.0 V in 10 mV steps
      • Maximum input voltage:  ± 40 V peak CAT l; transient overvoltage 800 Vpk
      • Threshold accuracy:  ± (100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)
      • Maximum input dynamic range:  ± 10 V about threshold
      • Minimum voltage swing:  5 mVpp
      • Input impedance:  100 kΩ ± 2% at probe tip
      • Input capacitance:  ~8 pF
      • Vertical resolution: 1 bit
    • Horizontal system analog channels:  
      • Time base range:  2 ns/div to 50 s/div
      • Time base accuracy:  25 ppm ± 5 ppm per year (aging)
      • Time base delay time range:
        • Pre-trigger:  Greater of 1 screen width or 250 μs  
        • Post-trigger:  1 s to 500 s
      • Channel-to-channel deskew range:  ± 100 ns
      • Δ Time accuracy (using cursors):  ± (time base acc. x reading) ± (0.0016 x screen width) ± 100 ps
      • Modes:  Main, zoom, roll, XY
      • XY:
        • On channels 1 and 2 only, Z Blanking on ext trigger input, 1.4 V threshold  
        • Bandwidth:  Maximum bandwidth
        • Phase error at 1 MHz: < 0.5 degree
    • Horizontal system digital channels:  
      • Minimum detectable pulse width:  5 ns
      • Channel-to-channel skew:
        • 2 ns (typical)
        • 3 ns (maximum)
    • Aquisition system:
      • Maximum analog channels sample rate:  
        • 4 GSa/s half channel interleaved
        • 2 GSa/s all channel
      • Maximum analog channels record length:
        • 2 Mpts half channel interleaved, 1 Mpts all channel (standard)
        • 4 Mpts half channel interleaved, 2 Mpts all channel (optional with DSOX3MEMUP (-040))
      • Maximum duration of time captured at highest sampling rate (all analog channels):  500 us with 4M memory upgrade
      • Maximum digital channels sample rate:  1 GSa/s
      • Maximum digital channels record length:  
        • 1 Mpts (standard with digital channels only)
        • 2 Mpts (optional with DSOX3MEMUP - with digital channels only)
      • Modes:
        • Normal:  Default mode
        • Peak detect:  Capture glitches as narrow as 250 ps at all time base settings
        • Averaging:  Selectable from 2, 4, 8, 16, 64, ... to 65,536
        • High resolution:
          • Real time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and effectively increases vertical resolution
          • 12 bits of resolution when ≥ 10 μs/div at 4 GSa/s
          • or ≥ 20-μs/div at 2 GSa/s
        • Segmented:
          • Segmented memory optimizes available memory for data streams that have long dead times between activity
          • Maximum segments = 1000
          • Re-arm time = 1 μs (minimum time between trigger events)
    • Trigger system:
      • Trigger sources:  Analog channel  (1~4), digital channel (D0~D15), line, external, WaveGen (1 or mod) (FM/FSK)
      • Trigger modes:
        • Normal (triggered): requires trigger event for scope to trigger
        • Auto : triggers automatically in absence of trigger event
        • Single: triggers only once on a trigger event, press [Single] again for scope to find another trigger event, or press [Run] to trigger continuously in either Auto or Normal mode
        • Force:  front panel button that forces a trigger
      • Trigger coupling:  
        • DC: DC coupled trigger
        • AC: AC coupled trigger, cutoff frequency: < 10 Hz (internal);
        • High frequency reject:  cutoff frequency ~ 50 kHz
        • Low frequency reject:  cutoff frequncy ~ 50 kHz 
        • Noise reject:
          • Selectable OFF or ON
          • Decreases sensitivity 2x
      • Trigger holdoff range: 40 ns to 10.00 s  
      • Trigger sensitivity:
        • Internal: < 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div or 5 mV; ≥ 10 mV/div: 0.6 div
        • External:
          • 200 mVpp from DC to 100 MHz
          • 350 mVpp 100 MHz to 200 MHz
      • Trigger level range:
        • Any channel:  ± 6 div from center screen
        • External:  ± 8 V

Keysight InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series redefined oscilloscopes. It sees the most signal detail, does more functions than any other oscilloscope, and gives you maximum investment protection. The 3000 X-Series' innovation starts with the industry's only 5-instruments-in-1 integration. The industry-leading one million waveforms per second update rate is 20 times faster than the competition to display the most signal detail. The 3000 X-Series provides maximum investment protection with fully upgradable 5-instruments-in-1; even bandwidth is upgradable. Our breakthrough technology delivers more scope for the same budget.

  • One million waveforms per second update rate
  • MegaZoom IV smart memory technology
  • Large 8.5-inch WVGA display
  • Optional segmented memory
  • Industry's first 5-instruments-in-1:
    • Oscilloscope  
    • Digital channels
    • Built-in 20 MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator with modulation
    • Integrated digital voltmeter
    • Protocol analyzer
  • Investment protection with Industry's only fully-upgradable oscilloscope, including bandwidth up to 1 GHz
  • Industry's leading applications solution


  • 350 MHz
  • 아날로그 4채널
  • 8.5인치의 WVGA 디스플레이로 간편하게 신호 분석
  • 최대 4 Mpts의 메모리로 더 많은 데이터 수집
  • 1,000,000 wfms/s의 업데이트 속도로 더 많은 신호를 상세하게 확인
  • 완전한 업그레이드의 용이성으로 측정 성능 확장. 대역폭, 메모리, 디지털 채널, 20 MHz 임의 파형 발생기(WaveGen), 3디지트 전압계, 시리얼 트리거와 분석, 세그먼트 메모리, 그리고 마스크 테스트 기능 언제든지 추가 가능
대역폭350 MHz
최대 메모리 깊이

2 Mpts 표준, 4 Mpts 옵션

최대 샘플링 속도4 GSa/s
ADC 비트






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