PV시뮬레이터 렌탈 Chroma 62150H-600S 600V,15kW 직류전원공급기 임대서비스 > DC파워서플라이

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PV시뮬레이터 렌탈 Chroma 62150H-600S 600V,15kW 직류전원공급기 임대서비스 > DC파워서플라이

PV시뮬레이터 렌탈 Chroma 62150H-600S 600V,15kW 직류전원공급기 임대서비스 요약정보 및 구매

브랜드 크로마
모델명 62150H-600S
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

임대 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • Volts: 0-600V
  • Current: 0-25A
  • Power: 15000W
  • Precision V & I measurements
  • Auto I-V program: 100 I-V curves & Dwell time 1-15,000s
  • Static & dynamic MPPT efficiency test (accumulated energy methods)
  • Data recorded via softpanel
  • Standard USB/RS232/RS485 interface
  • Optional GPIB/Ethernet interface
  • Real time analysis of PV inverter’s MPPT tracking via softpanel
  • Real world weather simulation fast I-V curve update rate: 1s
  • Support up to six-channel SAS control for multi-MPPT testing
  • Build-in dynamic MPPT test profile of EN50530, Sandia, CGC/GF004 and NB/T 32004

The 62150H-600S provides an industry leading power density in a small 3U high package. The solar array simulator is highly stable and has a fast transient response design, which are both advantageos to MPPT performance evaluation on PV inverter devices.

The 62000H-S Series have many unique advantages including high speed & precision digitizing measurement circuits with a 100 kHz A/D, 25 kHz D/A controlled I-V curve and a digital filter mechanism. It can simulate an I-V curve accurately and response the mains ripple effect from the PV inverter. In addition, the built-in EN50530/Sandia SAS I-V model in the standalone unit can easily program the Voc, Isc, Vmp, and Imp parameters for I-V curve simulation, without a PC controller.




  • Power Range: 5kW/10kW/15kW
  • Voltage range:
    • 62000H Series: 0 to 900 V
    • 62150H Series: 0 to 600 V, & 1000 V
  • High Power density of 15kW in 3U
  • Current sharing operation
  • Voltage ramp function
  • Easy master / slave parallel & series operation up to 150KW
  • Precision V&I Measurements
  • High-speed programming
  • Voltage & Current slew rate control
  • USB / RS-232 / RS-485 standard, GPIB / Ethernet optional
  • Precision V & I measurements (62150H)


High Power Density 15kW in 3U Programmable DC Power Supply
Chroma's 62000H Series of programmable DC Power Supplies offers many unique advantages for telecom, automated test system and integration, industrial, battery charge and simulation for hybrid cars and solar panel simulation. These advantages include high power density of 15kW in 3U, precision readback of output current and voltage, output trigger signals as well as the ability to create complex DC transients waveforms to test device behavior to spikes, drops, and other voltage deviations. With their wide range of voltage and current combinations, low output noise and ripple, excellent line and load regulation, and fast transient response, you'll find Chroma's 62000H / 62150H Series suitable for every part of your manufacturing process — from design to production testing.

Master / Slave Parallel & Series Operation up to 150KW
When high power is required, it is common to connect two or more power supplies in parallel or series. The 62000H Series DC Power Supplies have a smart Master / Slave control mode making series/parallel operation fast and simple. In this mode the master scales values and downloads data to slave units so programming is simple and current sharing automatic.

Solar Array Simulation Function
The four 600S and 1000S models provide a unique feature to simulate the output characteristics of a solar array. This function is useful for MPPT performance evaluation on solar inverter device. You can easily edit the I-V curve, testing and monitor the PV inverter via softpanel as illustrated to the right.

Dynamic MPPT Efficiency Testing
The latest test standards EN50530, CGC/GF004 & Sandia have provided a procedure for testing patterns of the dynamic MPPT efficiency of inverters. Those standards can accelerate the MPP tracking algorithm mechanism to the optimal for PV inverter manufactures. The advanced Dynamic MPPT Test function complies with EN50530, CGC/GF004, Sandia test regulations and can be controlled via the graphical softpanel by selecting CGC/GF004 or Sandia or EN50530 I-V mathematical expressions and test items. This function simulates the irradiation intensity and temperature change of the I-Vcurve under actual weather variations to test the PV inverter's dynamic MPPT performance. The GUI will calculate the MPPT performance for analysis after running the test.

Programming Sequences Applications
The 62000H Series DC Power Supplies' LIST and STEP modes allows for auto sequencing function. The LIST mode allows for 100 user-programmable sequences with time settings ranging from 5ms to 15000s and voltage / current slew rate control. The STEP mode allows for setting start, end voltage and run time of 10ms to 99 hours for automated test applications. Applications include DC/DC Converter & Inverter voltage dropout testing, engine start-up simulation, battery automated charging, battery voltage dropout simulation, product life cycle testing and avionics testing.

Shadow IV Curve Simulation
The table mode allows the user to create 128 points of I-V curve data consisting of voltage and current in Excel file format. This information is uploaded to the 62150H-600S memory via the softpanel. The user is able to program various I-V curves such as the shadow I-V curve simulation, which is used to verify the maximum power tracking capability of the PV inverter based on the I-V curve when the solar cell is shaded by clouds or trees.

Controller Interface
The 62000H Series DC Power Supplies are very easy to operate from the front panel keypad or from the remote controller via USB / RS232 / RS485 / APG (standard) and GPIB & Ethernet (optional). Its compact size (3U) makes it ideal for both benchtop and standard racking.




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