중고 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS DS335 중고 신디사이즈드 신호발생기 판매 > 신호발생기

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중고 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS DS335 중고 신디사이즈드 신호발생기 판매 > 신호발생기

중고 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS DS335 중고 신디사이즈드 신호발생기 판매 요약정보 및 구매

스펙트럼 분석기

모델명 DS335
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

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스펙트럼 분석기

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660




The DS335 is a simple, low-cost, 3 MHz function generator designed for general benchtop or ATE applications. Based on a Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) architecture, the DS335 includes features not normally found in function generators in this price range.

Basic functions include sine waves and square waves up to 3.1 MHz, and ramps and triangles (up to 10 kHz). A 3.5 MHz Gaussian white-noise generator is also provided. All functions can be swept logarithmically or linearly in a phase-continuous fashion over the entire frequency range. A rear-panel SWEEP output marks the beginning of a sweep to allow synchronization of external devices. Both unidirectional and bidirectional sweeps can be selected.

Internal and external FSK modes allow the output frequency to be rapidly toggled between two preset values. Toggling is done either at a fixed, internal rate of up to 50 kHz, or externally via a rear-panel input.

Outputs have the low phase noise inherent to DDS. Wide-band amplifiers maintain good pulse response and provide low distortion. The result is an output capable of driving 10 Vpp into a 50 Ω load, or 20 Vpp into a high-impedance load.

Both GPIB and RS-232 interfaces are available to provide complete control via an external computer. All instrument functions can be set and read via the computer interfaces.



DS335 Specifications

Frequency rangeMax. Frequency



Sine3.1 MHz1 µHz
Square3.1 MHz1 µHz
Ramp10 kHz1 µHz
Triangle10 kHz1 µHz
Noise3.5 MHz

(Gaussian weighting)




Range50 mVpp to 10 Vpp (50 Ω), 100 mVpp to 20 Vpp (High-Z)
Resolution3 digits (DC offset = 0V)
Offset±5 VDC (50 Ω), ±10 VDC (High-Z)
Offset resolution3 digits

0.1 dB (sine output)


Sine Wave


Spurious response<-65 dBc to 1 MHz, -55 dBc to 3.1 MHz
Harmonic distortion
   DC to 100 kHz<-60 dBc
   100 kHz to 1 MHz<-50 dBc
  1 MHz to 3 MHz<-40 dBc
Phase noise

<-60 dBc (30 kHz band centered on carrier)


Square Wave


Rise/fall time<15 ns ± 5 ns (10 % to 90 %)
Asymmetry<3 ns + 1 % of period

<5 % (full-scale output)


Ramps and Triangles


Rise/fall time100 ns
Linearity±0.1 % of full scale
Settling time

200 ns (0.5 % of final value)


FSK Modulation


ModesInternal, External
Max. rate50 kHz, internal
External FSK

TTL input, 1 MHz (max.)





TypeLinear and logarithmic (phase continuous)
SpanLinear (full frequency range), log (6 decades)
Sweep rate

0.01 Hz to 1 kHz


Timebase Accuracy


Standard±5 ppm (20 °C to 30 °C)

TCXO, 2 ppm stability, 2 ppm aging (20 °C to 50 °C)




InterfacesOptional RS-232 and GPIB. All instrument functions are controllable over the interfaces.
Non-volatile memoryUp to nine sets of instrument settings may be stored and recalled.
Dimensions8.5" × 3.5" × 13" (WHL)
Weight8 lbs.
Power22 W, 100/120/220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
WarrantyOne year parts and labor on defects in materials and workmanship


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