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시리즈명 RSA6120A
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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660




Tektronix RSA6120A Spectrum Analyzer

Rent Tektronix RSA6120A Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz - 20 GHz

The Tektronix RSA6000 Series replaces conventional high-performance signal analyzers, offering the measurement confidence and functionality you demand for everyday tasks. A typical 20 dBm TOI and –151 dBm/Hz DANL at 2 GHz gives you the dynamic range you expect for challenging spectrum analysis measurements. All analysis is fully preselected and image free.

The RSA6000 Series uses broadband preselection filters that are always in the signal path. You never have to compromise between dynamic range and analysis bandwidth by ‘switching out the preselector’. A complete toolset of power and signal statistics measurements is standard, including Channel Power, ACLR, CCDF, Occupied Bandwidth, AM/FM/PM, and Spurious measurements.

Available Phase Noise and General Purpose Modulation Analysis measurements round out the expected set of high-performance analysis tools. But, just being a high-performance signal analyzer is not sufficient to meet the demands of today’s hopping, transient signals.

The Tektronix RSA6000 Series will help you to easily discover design issues that other signal analyzers may miss. The revolutionary DPX® spectrum display offers an intuitive live color view of signal transients changing over time in the frequency domain, giving you immediate confidence in the stability of your design, or instantly displaying a fault when it occurs. This live display of transients is impossible with other signal analyzers. Once a problem is discovered with DPX®, the RSA6000 Series spectrum analyzers can be set to trigger on the event, capture a contiguous time record of changing RF events, and perform time-correlated analysis in all domains. You get the functionality of a high-performance spectrum analyzer, wideband vector signal analyzer, and the unique trigger-capture-analyze capability of a real-time spectrum analyzer – all in a single package.

The patented DPX® spectrum processing engine brings live analysis of transient events to spectrum analyzers. Performing up to 292,968 frequency transforms per second, transients of a minimum event duration of 3.7 μs in length are displayed in the frequency domain. This is orders of magnitude faster than swept analysis techniques. Events can be color coded by rate of occurrence onto a bitmapped display, providing unparalleled insight into transient signal behavior.

The DPX spectrum processor can be swept over the entire frequency range of the instrument, enabling broadband transient capture previously unavailable in any spectrum analyzer. In applications that require only spectral information, Opt. 200 provides gap-free spectral recording, replay, and analysis of up to 60,000 spectral traces. Spectrum recording resolution is variable from 110 μs to 6400 s per line.


  • 0 dBm Third-order Intercept at 2 GHz, typical
  • Displayed Average Noise Level -151 dBm/Hz at 2 GHz (-170 dBm/Hz, Preamp On, typical) Enables Low-level Signal Search
  • ±0.5 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy to 3 GHz for High Measurement Confidence
  • Fully Preselected and Image Free at All Times for Maximum Dynamic Range at Any Acquisition Bandwidth
  • Fastest High-resolution Sweep Speed: 1 GHz Sweep in 10 kHz RBW in less than 1 Second
  • DPX® Spectrum Processing provides an Intuitive Understanding of Time-varying RF Signals with Color-graded Displays based on Frequency of Occurrence
  • Revolutionary DPX Displays Transients with a Minimum Event Duration of 10.3 µs
  • Swept DPX Spectrum Enables Unprecedented Signal Discovery over Full Instrument Span
  • Trigger on Transients with a Minimum Event Duration of 10.3 µs in the Frequency Domain, 20 ns in Time Domain
  • DPX Density™ Trigger Activated Directly from DPX Display
  • Time-qualified and Runt Triggers Trap Elusive Transients
  • Frequency Mask Trigger Captures any Change in Frequency Domain
  • All Signals up to 110 MHz Spans are Captured into Memory
  • Up to 1.7 s Acquisitions at 110 MHz Bandwidth Provides Complete Analysis without making Multiple Acquisitions
  • Interfaces with TekConnect Probes for RF Probing
  • Time-correlated Multidomain Displays for Quicker Understanding of Cause and Effect when Troubleshooting
  • Power, Spectrum, and Statistics Measurements Help You Characterize Components and Systems: Channel Power, ACLR, Power vs. Time, CCDF, OBW/EBW, and Spur Search
  • EMI Diagnostics with CISPR and Mil/-6 dB filters and CISPR Quasi-peak Average and Peak Detectors
  • Phase Noise and Jitter Measurements (Option 11)
  • Pulse Measurements (Option 20) - Over 20 Vector and Scalar Parameters including Rise Time, Pulse Width, Pulse-to-Pulse Phase Provide Deep Insight into Pulse Train Behavior
  • General Purpose Digital Modulation Analysis (Option 21) Provides Vector Signal Analyzer Functionality for Over 20 Modulation Types
  • Tektronix OpenChoice® makes for Easy Transfer to a Variety of Analysis Programs such as Excel and MATLAB®


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