Teledyne LeCroy HDO6034 350MHz 4Ch High Definition Oscilloscope 르크로이 고화질 오실로스코프 중고판매 > LeCroy

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Teledyne LeCroy HDO6034 350MHz 4Ch High Definition Oscilloscope 르크로이 고화질 오실로스코프 중고판매 > LeCroy

Teledyne LeCroy HDO6034 350MHz 4Ch High Definition Oscilloscope 르크로이 고화질 오실로스코프 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 텔레다인 르크로이
브랜드 Teledyne LeCroy
품명 350MHz 4Ch High Definition Oscilloscope
모델명 HDO6034
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660

Key Features
  • 4 input channels
  • 16 digital channels (with –MS models)
  • 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution
  • Up to 10 GS/s with Enhanced Sample Rate
  • 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz bandwidths
  • ±10 V applied offset with high gain settings
  • Long Memory - up to 250 Mpts/Ch
  • MAUI with OneTouch user interface
  • Exceptional Serial Data Tools
  • Powerful, Deep Toolbox


HD4096 High Definition Technology


Enables capture and display of signals with 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes. Waveforms captured and displayed are cleaner and crisper. Signal details often lost in the noise on other oscilloscopes are clearly visible and easy to distinguish with HD4096. HD4096 enables oscilloscopes to deliver unmatched measurement precision for improved debug and analysis.

Huge Applied Offset Range

A 16-bit offset DAC permits ±10 V offset at 20 mV/div, ±4 V at 5 mV/div, and an amazing ±1.6 V offset at the highest sensitivity (1 mV/div). Such large applied offsets (combined with 12 bits) make it easy to acquire and view small signal variations (e.g. ripple, noise, transient interference) on DC or sensor signals. They also provide extended offset ranges for many of Teledyne LeCroy’s high voltage probes


MAUI with OneTouch


MAUI – Most Advanced User Interface puts all the power and capabilities of the oscilloscope right at your fingertips. Designed for touch, built for simplicity, and made to solve. MAUI with OneTouch incorporates drag, drop and flick to provide unsurpassed efficiency in oscilloscope operation. Learn more about MAUI

Exceptional Serial Data Tools


Up to 23 standards supported – all with the industry’s best serial decoder. Many are provided with high performance triggers, unique measure and graph tools for validation efficiency (including a software serial DAC), and eye diagrams and physical layer testing tools. Learn more at

Powerful, Deep Toolbox


Our waveshape analysis tools and application packages provide unparalleled insight. Learn more at Periodic Table of Oscilloscope Tools. Combine our powerful, deep toolbox with up to 250 Mpts/ch of acquisition memory and the most powerful motherboard in its class – an Intel® Core™ i7-2710QE Quad (core), 3.0 GHz (per core, in turbo mode), with 16 GB of RAM standard.



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