12kW AC파워서플라이렌탈 일본nF DP120S, AC소스 임대 > AC소스

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12kW AC파워서플라이렌탈 일본nF DP120S, AC소스 임대 > AC소스

12kW AC파워서플라이렌탈 일본nF DP120S, AC소스 임대 요약정보 및 구매

12kVA의 렌탈 임대서비스용 AC소스입니다.

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 NF
브랜드 NF
품명 12VA, 12kW AC/DC파워소스
모델명 DP120S
판매가격 2,400,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

12kVA의 렌탈 임대서비스용 AC소스입니다.

상품 상세설명


각종 AC/DC 전원공급기 불용장비 매입 및 신품 중고판매

렌탈서비스 상담 : 010-4221-0660




  • Display screen: 7” Color TFT LCD display
  • System Lineup
    • You can select the optimal power supply from a broad range of options, from single-phase 1.5 kVA to a maximum of three-phase 36kVA
    • The lineup includes Single-phase, Single-phase 3-wire, Three-phase and Multi-phase (Single-phase, Single-phase 3-wire, or Three-phase selectable) models. A multi-phase system (Single-phase 3-wire/Three-phase) can be configured by connecting multiple units of the same Single-phase model
    • Output voltage configuration
      • Single-phase: 5kVA, 3kVA, 4.5kVA, 6kVA, 7.5kVA, 9kVA, 10.5kVA, 12kVA
      • Single-phase 3-wire: 3kVA, 6kVA, 9kVA, 12kVA.  The maximum output configuration is 24kVA for two sets of Single-phase 3-wire model
      • Three-phase: 5kVA, 9kVA.  The maximum output configuration is 36kVA for three sets of Single-phase models
      • Multi-phase: 5kVA, 9kVA.  Single-phase/Single-phase 3-wire/Three-phase switchable
  • The DP Series achieve stable output with low distortion and operates stably with high-capacity capacitor loads for a variety of output modes and a wide output range
    • AC/DC modes:AC, AC + DC, DC
    • AC output configurations
      • AC output voltage 100V range: 0V to 155.0V (Resolution 0.1V)
      • AC output voltage 200V range: 0V to 310.0V (Resolution 0.1V)
      • Frequency
        • AC: 40Hz to 550Hz (Resolution 0.1Hz)
        • AC + DC: 1Hz to 550Hz (Resolution 0.1Hz)
    • DC output configuration
      • DC output voltage
        • -220V to +220V (Resolution 0.1V)
        • -440V to +440V (Resolution 0.1V)
    • Output voltage fluctuation
      • Within ±0.15V (75V to150V)/within ±0.30V (150V to 300V)(DC, 45 Hz to 65 Hz if output current is varied from 0% to 100% of maximum current)
    • Maximum peak current
      • Four times the maximum current (RMS value) in correspondence to acapacitor input rectified load with a crest factor of 4
    • Waveform distortion rate:5% max
  • Voltage, frequency and other values can be recalled up to the screen with a single key
  • Power unit energization setting
    • An eco-friendly AC power source is designed to protect the environment by saving energy
    • In the DP Series, the power section is modularized in 1.5 kVA units. Power units can be set ON or OFF to suit the load capacity. This enables efficient operation whilereducing power consumption. Even if a unit got trouble, the troubled unit can beturned OFF using “Power unit energization setting” and operation can continueusing the other units
  • High efficiency of 77%
    • High efficiency is achieved together with multi-functionality by using power control technology
  • Display of CO2 Emissions
    • The measurement function is equipped with a CO2 emissions display function tosupport the customer’s efforts to control CO2 emissions
  • External signal input
    • SYNC: Synchronizes the frequency of internal signal source with external signal
    • VCA: Controls output voltage setting with DC signal
    • EXT: Amplifies external signal, used as power amplifier (Option)
    • ADD: Adds external signal source to internal signal source (Option)
  • Monitor output (switching of voltage or current)
  • Output setting at power-on
  • Output relay control
  • Output On/Off phase setting
  • Versatile interfaces: RS232 and USBare provided as standard, GPIB optional
  • USB memory
    • Data can be written into and read from memory without connecting a PC. This is convenient when sharing basic parameter settings among multiple units, or when reading data created with control software
  • Compact and lightweight







You can select the optimal power supply from a broad range of options, from single-phase 1.5 kVA to a maximum of three-phase 144 kVA.
The lineup includes single-phase, single-phase 3-wire, three-phase and multi-phase ( single-phase, single-phase 3-wire, or three-phase selectable) models.
A multi-phase system (single-phase 3-wire/three-phase) can be configured by connecting multiple units of the same single-phase model.
* Same model name with same ver. of firmware

 1.5 kVA3 kVA4.5 kVA6 kVA7.5 kVA9 kVA10.5 kVA12 kVA18 kVA24 kVA36 kVA42 kVA48 kVA
Three-phase *2availableavailable

Multi-phase *3


*1  Single-phase model ×2 units
*2 Single-phase model ×3 units, 144kVA max.
*3 1-phase/1-phase 3-wire/3-phase selectable 


*Output Characteristics*


The DP series achieves stable output with low distortion, and operates stably with high-capacity capacitor loads. With a variety of output modes and a wide output range.
AC/DC modes: AC, AC + DC, DC
Output voltage/frequency
  100 V range200 V rangeResolution
ACOutput voltage0 V to 155V0 V to 310V0.1 V
AC: 40Hz to 550Hz 
AC+DC: 1Hz to 550Hz
DCOutput voltage-220 V to +220V-440 V to +440V0.1 V
Output voltage fluctuation: within ±0.15 V (75 V to150 V)/within ±0.30 V (150 V to 300 V)
 (DC, 45 Hz to 65 Hz if output current is varied from 0% to 100% of maximum current)
Maximum peak current: four times the maximum current (RMS value) (corresponds to a capacitor input rectified load with a crest factor of 4)

Waveform distortion rate: 0.5% max.



*Measurement Functions*


In addition to voltage, current and power, the DP series optionally supports measurement of load power factor, crest factor, and up to 40th-order harmonic current. In addition, the series supports measures to control CO2 by displaying CO2 emissions during operation.

Measurement Items
Voltage: RMS value, average DC value, peak value 
Load power factor
Current: RMS value, average DC value, peak value, peak hold value 
Crest factor
Power: active power, apparent power, reactive power 
Sync frequency
Harmonic current: up to 40th order 
CO2 emissions


*Simple Operation*


Panel operation is a breeze using the large, easy-to-read display.
The design stresses improved ease-of-use and work efficiency for users, with features such as a function for selecting three decided measurement items and displaying them enlarged, and remote operation using a remote controller.

simple operation



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