대용량 중고 교류전원공급기 판매. 15k AC파워소스, 아미텍 MX15-1Pi > AC소스

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대용량 중고 교류전원공급기 판매. 15k AC파워소스, 아미텍 MX15-1Pi > AC소스

대용량 중고 교류전원공급기 판매. 15k AC파워소스, 아미텍 MX15-1Pi 요약정보 및 구매

렌탈서비스용 고용량 AC 파워소스

제조사 아미텍
브랜드 California Instruments
품명 High Power AC and DC Power Source
모델명 MX15-1Pi
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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렌탈서비스용 고용량 AC 파워소스

상품 상세설명


 각종 대용량 파워 중고 구입 및 매각 상담



 The California Instruments MX15-1PI AC power source is much more than a programmable AC, DC or AC+DC power source. It also incorporates an advanced digital signal processor based data acquisition system that continuously monitors all AC source and load parameters. Common AC and DC measurement parameters are automatically provided by the data acquisition system and measurements include Frequency, Vrms, Irms, Ipk, Crest Factor, Real Power (Watts), Apparent Power (VA) and Power Factor. Standard RS232C & USB IEEE-488 along with optional LAN remote control interfaces allow programming of all instrument functions from an external computer.

    The built-in output transient generation and read-back measurement capability of the MX15 power source offers the convenience of a powerful, and easy to use, integrated test system. The MX15 delivers up to 15 kVA of single phase output and has a powerful AC and DC transient generation system that allows complex sequences of voltage, frequency and waveshapes to be generated. The California Instruments MX15-1PI power source consists of multiple high power AC and DC power systems and eliminates the need for several additional pieces of test equipment, saving cost and space.

AC Power15kVA 
Voltage Low/High0-150V/0-300V
Current Low/High100A/50A
Power Factor0 to unity



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