중고 네트웍분석기 애질런트 E5071C 판매, 임대, 렌탈, Agilent E5071C used Network Analyzer > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

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중고 네트웍분석기 애질런트 E5071C 판매, 임대, 렌탈, Agilent E5071C used Network Analyzer > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

중고 네트웍분석기 애질런트 E5071C 판매, 임대, 렌탈, Agilent E5071C used Network Analyzer 요약정보 및 구매

중고 제품 및 렌탈 서비스 상품

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 애질런트
품명 중고 네트워크 아날라이저
모델명 E5071C
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

중고 제품 및 렌탈 서비스 상품

상품 상세설명

구입 및 렌탈서비스  상담 : 010-4221-0660 

스펙 및 특장점



  • 9 kHz ~ 4.5/6.5/8.5/14/20 GHz
  • 2 또는 4포트, 50 ohm, S-파라미터 테스트 세트
  • 130 dB의 다이나믹 레인지, 8 ms의 빠른 측정 속도, 그리고 0.005 dB/°C의 탁월한 온도 안정성으로 정확도, 수율 및 마진 개선
  • 개선된 시간 도메인 분석 옵션으로 고속 시리얼 인터커넥트의 특성을 완벽하게 분석하여 설계에 대한 확신 획득
  • 모든 옵션에 대한 업그레이드 용이성을 제공하여 투자 보호






2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees





Keysight's E5071C ENA series network analyzer deliver new standards in speed, accuracy, and versatility for RF network analysis. Designed with a wide range of measurement capabilities to meet multiple network analysis needs, the E5071C offers efficiency and flexibility for both manufacturing and R&D applications in industries such as: wireless communication, automotive, semiconductor, and medical.

Keysight E5071CEP Express Configuration is the most popular configuration for fast delivery and value. Created to get necessary tools into your hands more quickly, the express configurations provide the performance of an ENA series network analyzer delivered to you RIGHT NOW. Express configurations are fully upgradable, so as your needs change, you can optimize your test equipment with additional options.


  • Up to 20 GHz
  • Wide dynamic range: >123 dB
  • Fast measurement speed: 41 ms at 1601 points with full 2-port cal
  • Low trace noise: <0.004 dBrms at 70 kHz IFBW
  • Integrated 2-port test set
  • Powerful analysis capability
  • 10.4" Color LCD with touch screen
  • Windows OS with LAN/USB/GPIB connectivity
  • Built-in VBA for test automation or customized GUI
  • Agilent 8753 look & feel button and code translation

































































2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees


2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees


4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees





Keysight's E5071C ENA series network analyzer deliver new standards in speed, accuracy, and versatility for RF network analysis. Designed with a wide range of measurement capabilities to meet multiple network analysis needs, the E5071C offers efficiency and flexibility for both manufacturing and R&D applications in industries such as: wireless communication, automotive, semiconductor, and medical.

Keysight E5071CEP Express Configuration is the most popular configuration for fast delivery and value. Created to get necessary tools into your hands more quickly, the express configurations provide the performance of an ENA series network analyzer delivered to you RIGHT NOW. Express configurations are fully upgradable, so as your needs change, you can optimize your test equipment with additional options.


  • Up to 20 GHz
  • Wide dynamic range: >123 dB
  • Fast measurement speed: 41 ms at 1601 points with full 2-port cal
  • Low trace noise: <0.004 dBrms at 70 kHz IFBW
  • Integrated 2-port test set
  • Powerful analysis capability
  • 10.4" Color LCD with touch screen
  • Windows OS with LAN/USB/GPIB connectivity
  • Built-in VBA for test automation or customized GUI
  • Agilent 8753 look & feel button and code translation





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