중고스코프코더, 중고DL750, YOKOGAWA SCOPE CORDER, 중고계측기 판매 및 렌탈 > 요꼬가와

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중고스코프코더, 중고DL750, YOKOGAWA SCOPE CORDER, 중고계측기 판매 및 렌탈 > 요꼬가와

중고스코프코더, 중고DL750, YOKOGAWA SCOPE CORDER, 중고계측기 판매 및 렌탈 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 스코프코더
모델명 DL750
판매가격 5,300,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술사양 상담 : 010-4221-0660 






Innovative Solutions for Long-Term Recording

GIGAZoom Function for Instantaneous Full-Length Display of 1 GW of Data

1 Giga memory for full-length display and instantaneous zooming (to user-specified length)

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Amount of time data can be recorded with 1 GW memory.

DualCapture: A Powerful Tool for Durability Test Data Analysis

Simultaneous High-Speed and Low-Speed Recording Using DualCapture

During durability testing, it is necessary to monitor the long-term trends of your data as well as capture the high speed transients that might occur. This presents a challenge as trend data is usually recorded at a slower sampling speed that might miss the transient phenomena. To meet this challenge, the DL750 offers the DualCapture function.

DualCaptureIco Flash2 

Using DualCapture, you can now record your trend data with a slow sampling speed and still be able to capture the transient phenomena with a faster sampling speed.

  • Integration of a High-Speed sampler (Oscilloscope) and Low-Speed sampler (Recorder) in a Single Unit
    High-speed sampler: Trigger on abnormal high-speed phenomena
    Low-speed in a sampler: Roll recording (trend recording)
  • Separate Memory Management for Each sampler
    Maximum memory for low-speed: 100 MW
    Maximum memory for high-speed: 10 kW * 100 screens
  • High-Speed Sampling Triggered Only by Abnormal Events Occurring during Long-Term Observation (Low-Speed Sampling)
    Effective for separately capturing data at high speed
  • Long Memory Equivalent to 1 Teraword (1012)
    To acquire many hours of data at the higher sampling rate (10 MS/s) would require Teraword of memory:
    (8 hr to 24 hr) × 60 min × 60 sec × 10 MS/s × 16 channels = 4.6 to 138 TW

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The waveform shown above was captured at a sampling rate of 50 kS/s. The occurrence of noise can be confirmed in the graph, but the time resolution is too low to capture the waveform accurately.With DualCapture, the user sets triggers for capturing sudden phenomena. Up to 100 phenomena can be collected in a memory length of 10 kW at a maximum sampling rate of 10 MS/s. 




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DL750 Module LineUp

  • 701250 High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Isolation Module
    Broad bandwidth (3 MHz) and high accuracy (0.5%) inputs
  • 701251 High-Speed 1 MS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module
    High resolution inputs combined with high-sensitivity (1 mV/div)
  • 701255 High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Non-Isolation Module
    Non-isolated model with the same performance as the model 701250
  • 701260 High-Voltage 100 kS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module (with RMS)
    850 V (DC+ACpeak) direct input, RMS mode support
    Accuracy of 0.25%
  • 701261/701262 Universal Module (2CH)
    Multiple inputs of general-use voltage and temperature module, two isolated inputs (Voltage: 5mV/div-20V/div, 100kS/s, 16bit; Temperature: TC- K, E, J, T, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, Iron-Doped, Gold/Chromel, 500S/s), two types of modules: with or without AAF (Anti-Aliasing Filter)
  • 701265 Temperature/High-Precision Voltage Module
    100 Hz frequency range, high-accuracy (0.08%) voltage measurements, and ultra high-sensitivity range value (100 µV/div)
  • 701270 Strain Modules NDIS-type
    Wide ranges of bridge voltage (2 V, 5 V, & 10 V)
    Accuracy of 0.5%
  • 701271 Strain Modules DSUB-type
    Wide ranges of bridge voltage (2 V, 5 V, & 10 V)
    Accuracy of 0.5%
  • 701275 Acceleration/Voltage Module (2 CH)
    Inputs for both acceleration and voltage, built-in AAF (anti-aliasing filter), supports built-in amp type acceleration sensors (4 mA/22 V), isolated input.
  • 701280 Frequency Module (2 CH)
    High speed (40 µs, 25 kHz) update rates, 0.01 Hz-200 kHz frequency range, 9 measurement modes, built-in real-time digital filters, deceleration/stop prediction, offset observation function, isolated input, multiple input types (direct input from electromagnetic pickups, 300 Vrms AC power supply input, contact input, chatter elimination function



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