중고WT330, 중고 WT333 요코가와 파워미터, 3상4선 가능, 전력분석계 렌탈,YOKOGAWA POWER ANALYZER > 요꼬가와

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중고WT330, 중고 WT333 요코가와 파워미터, 3상4선 가능, 전력분석계 렌탈,YOKOGAWA POWER ANALYZER > 요꼬가와

중고WT330, 중고 WT333 요코가와 파워미터, 3상4선 가능, 전력분석계 렌탈,YOKOGAWA POWER ANALYZER 요약정보 및 구매

중고파워아날라이저 (엘리먼트3개)

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 전력분석기
모델명 WT330
판매가격 3,800,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

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상품 기본설명

중고파워아날라이저 (엘리먼트3개)

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술사양 상담 : 010-4221-0660 

본 제품은 WT333, 3개 채널 모델입니다.

Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation announces that it will release the WT310 and WT330 series digital power meters on January 10. These meters are useful in reducing the power consumed by electrical and electronic instruments, and are suitable for use in applications ranging from R&D to production. The two product series will have a total of four models, as follows:

WT310Input elements: 1
Maximum input current: 20 A


WT310HCInput elements: 1
Maximum input current: 40 A
WT332Input elements: 2
Maximum input current: 20 A
WT333Input elements: 3
Maximum input current: 20 A

The WT310 and WT330 series digital power meters are the successors to our best-selling WT210 and WT230 series, of which about 50,000 units have been sold since their launch in 2002. By offering the WT310 and WT330 series, which have been enhanced with a number of new functions that satisfy the latest market needs, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments aims to capture a larger share of this market.

Development Background

Digital power meters are used in the electronics and mechatronics fields to measure the power consumption of home appliances, office equipment, industrial machines, hybrid/electric vehicles and other battery-driven equipment, solar power/wind power generation related devices, and so on, and are useful in product development, performance testing, and quality control. With the growing awareness of the need to save energy, protect the environment, prevent power shortages, and the like, products must be designed to save energy. To quickly release products with excellent power performance, product development and manufacturing divisions must improve their operational efficiency. Toward this end, they need power meters with high measurement efficiency.

Product Features

  1. High-speed simultaneous measurement
    Ordinary power meters need to switch measurement modes depending on what is being measured, from voltage, current, and power to items such as integral power consumption and harmonics analysis that require calculation. The WT310 and WT330 series can measure all these in just a single measurement mode. Moreover, the short measurement interval of just 100 ms improves measurement efficiency.
  2. Automatic range switching during integral power consumption measurement - an industry first
    When measuring integral power consumption, two power meters are usually needed, one for higher loads and the other for lower loads. For the first time in this industry, an automatic range switching function is available that allows a single meter to continuously measure both load ranges.
    An additional feature of this function is range skipping. Rather than changing one step at a time, the device can change directly to the target range. The WT310 and WT330 series thus reduce switching time, improving both operational efficiency and measurement accuracy.
  3. PC software
    Bundled together with the WT310 and WT330 series is WTViewerFreePlus, a PC utility program that can be used to configure the instrument and to display and record measurement data. This includes a communication function that automatically searches for instruments that are connected to the PC.

Major Target Markets

  • Manufacturers of lights and home appliances such as TVs, HDD recorders, air conditioners, and refrigerators
  • Manufacturers of office equipment such as PCs, printers, and multi-use machines
  • Manufacturers of devices, batteries, and chargers used by hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles
  • Manufacturers of motors and other types of industrial equipment
  • Manufacturers of equipment used in photovoltaic, wind, and other types of renewable power generation systems

Main Applications

Measurement of product power consumption, standby power consumption, efficiency, and waveform distortion (harmonics) in the above-mentioned markets

Yokogawa's Approach to the Power Meter Market

Since its establishment, Yokogawa has earned high praise for its development and supply of power meters to industry. These are used as standard products by the Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation (JEMIC), and have won Yokogawa the reputation of being the leader in this field, both in and outside Japan.

We offer a wide range of products including high-performance models capable of high-speed sampling and waveform display and analysis, high-precision models that can be used as standard products, and highly portable general-purpose models for on-site use.

The WT310 and WT330 series power meters are the successors to the WT110 and WT130 and the WT210 and WT230 series power meters, all of which have sold well due to their solid performance at a low cost. It is expected that the launch of these new power meter series will contribute to industry growth.

About Yokogawa

Yokogawa's global network of 90 companies spans 55 countries. Founded in 1915, the US$4 billion company conducts cutting-edge research and innovation. Yokogawa is engaged in the industrial automation and control (IA), test and measurement, and other businesses segments. The IA segment plays a vital role in a wide range of industries including oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, iron and steel, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and food. For more information about Yokogawa, please visit the company’s website www.yokogawa.com


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