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중고 임피던스변환기 Electronics & Innovation HI-Z-800 High Impedance Variable Transformer > 기타 계측기

중고 임피던스변환기 Electronics & Innovation HI-Z-800 High Impedance Variable Transformer 요약정보 및 구매

E&I LO-Z Locked-On 시리즈 전환 가능 임피던스 정합 변압기는 초음파, 변환기 및 실험실 응용 분야에 유용합니다. ㅍ

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E&I LO-Z Locked-On 시리즈 전환 가능 임피던스 정합 변압기는 초음파, 변환기 및 실험실 응용 분야에 유용합니다. ㅍ

상품 상세설명

구입 및 문의 : 010-4221-0660






Electronics & Innovation HI-Z-800 High Impedance Variable Transformer

The E&I LO-Z Locked-On series switchable impedance matching transformers are useful for ultrasonic, transducer, and laboratory applications. The HI-Z series enables one to match the 50 ohm impedance to drive higher impedances of 100, 200, 400, and 800 ohms. Allowing for maximum power transfer with manual select tap settings, the Locked-On series represents E&I's commitment to providing RF products of the highest quality, durability, and ruggedness.

Optional Features: Hot Switchable - adjust the unit without turning off the RF power; denoted by an "H" in the part number. LCD Display - Indicating forward and reverse power readouts, allowing you to easily know which setting offers the best match; denoted by a "D" in the part number.


  • Frequency Range: 500 kHz to 5 MHz
  • Maximum Power Input Capability: 1000 W
  • Input Impedance (Nominal): 50 Ω
  • Output Impedance (Nominal): 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 Ω
  • Connectors: BNC
  • AC Power Requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz
  • Dimensions: 15.75 x 11.8 x 5.9 in (400 x 300 x 150 mm)
  • Optional Features Available: Both Hot Switchable and LCD Display, Hot Switchable, LCD Display

Please see Datasheet for complete details and specifications.


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