800V 파워서플라이 렌탈 Texio PSF-400H Flexible range regulated DC power supply (800V/3A/400W) > DC파워서플라이

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800V 파워서플라이 렌탈 Texio PSF-400H Flexible range regulated DC power supply (800V/3A/400W) > DC파워서플라이

800V 파워서플라이 렌탈 Texio PSF-400H Flexible range regulated DC power supply (800V/3A/400W) 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 PSF-400H
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈상담  010 4221 0660


PSF-H series is a switching regulated DC power supply performing flexible setting for voltage and current in the wide range within the rating power. Available variable range for voltage is 0V to 800V. We have line-up for 400W rating power model PSF-400H and 800W rating power model PSF-800H.
Testing for relay for hybrid car, solar power system and high-voltage LED lighting.

●Flexible output range
●Constant power control
●Circuit for improvement of power factor
●Rotating display panel
●Sequence function
●Off timer function
●Protection function
●Preset function( 3 points)
●One control operation
●External control function 


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