고분해능 중고 함수발생기 판매 30MH WF1973 NF > 신호발생기

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고분해능 중고 함수발생기 판매 30MH WF1973 NF > 신호발생기

고분해능 중고 함수발생기 판매 30MH WF1973 NF 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 NF
브랜드 NF Corporation
모델명 WF1973 NF
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Multifunction Generator
WF1973 / WF1974
Effortless waveform generation viaa an intuitive graphical user interface; Upcoming general-perpose signal source that is a must of engineers
Multifunction Generator WF1973
Multifunction Gnerator WF19742CH/30MHZ

Wide Frequency RangeVarious Types of Waveforms
0.01 µHz to 30M Hz
Equipped with standard, arbitrary and
“parameter-variable” waveforms.
Useful Programming FunctionWide Array of Oscillation Modes
The sequence function enables you to easily program output patterns.Continuous, burst/trigger/gate, internal/external modulation, sweep, and sequence oscillation
2-channel modeFunctions
Two independent channels,
two phases, constant frequency difference, constant frequency ratio,
and differential output
Synchronous operation of multiple units
Usable as a pulse generator
External addition input
User-defined units, and more
Pursuit of Usability
Flat and lightweight (88 mm high, 2.1 kg)
Each channel insulated from the housing,
USB/GPIB interface, and more



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