Kenwood CG-931 NTSC Color Pattern Generator > 신호발생기

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Kenwood CG-931 NTSC Color Pattern Generator > 신호발생기

Kenwood CG-931 NTSC Color Pattern Generator 요약정보 및 구매

중고제품 혹은 렌탈서비스 상품입니다.

제조사 Kenwood
브랜드 Kenwood
모델명 CG-931
판매가격 전화문의
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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660




The CG-931 (NTSC) and CG-932 (PAL) are color pattern generators for the NTSC and PAL color systems, respectively. In addition to the split-field color bar required for the adjustment and inspection of video equipment and color TVs, they are provided with a variety of standard pattern signals including the dot, cross-hatching, center-cross and window patterns as well as blue, green, red and white color raster patterns. With S-output provided as standard? they are indispensable equipment for the new multimedia era.


The CG-931 can output color-bar signals in compliance with both RS-189A and ECR-1-1978 standards. In addition to the field color bar signals, it can provide patterns including I/Q/W ON/OFF switching, color bar signals without luminance component and gray scale signals without chrominance component instantaneously.


COMMON FEATURES: (for the 2 Models S-Output)

An S-output is provided as standard. In addition, Y S and C outputs are provided at the rear panel (BNC connectors), and the output levels of each are variable individually


Variable Setting Levels

The setup, chrominance and luminance levels are arbitrarily settable and a calibration signal is provided for each, as a convenience in making simple adjustments and repairs to color TV receivers.


Individual Rasters for Purity Adjustments

Red, blue, green and white rasters are provided for use in verification of purity and in adjustment and inspection of white balance.


Dot and Cross-Hatch Patterns for Adjustments of Linearity and Convergence

A central dot can be used for adjustment of picture tube static convergence, and a cross-hatch pattern can be used for adjustment of dynamic convergence, these being provided as a convenience in adjusting vertical/horizontal amplitude and linearity.


Center Cross and Dot for Convergence Adjustment

A center cross and dot are provided to enable adjustment and inspection of raster alignment and convergence.


High-Voltage Testing

A white window on a black background enables testing high-voltage stability.


Video and RF Outputs

A video output for monitor TVs (75) and RF output for TV receivers (75) are provided as standard.


Sync Signal Output

To simplify the task of observing the video signal on an oscilloscope, the vertical and horizontal sync signals are provided as outputs. In addition, the sync signals include equivalent pulses and their phase is locked to the subcarrier frequency.


Interlaced and Progressive Scanning

In addition to the normally-used interlaced scanning, progressive scanning is also possible, thereby reducing jitter in the horizontal lines of the center cross and cross-hatch patterns.


RF Output ON/OFF Switching

When using only the video output or when it is desirable to eliminate interference, the unwanted RF output can be switched off.


RF Channel Switching

While the standard RF channels of the CG-931 are Japanese channels and those of the CG-932 are European channels, they can be switched to the frequencies of other major countries, such as the US channels with the CG-931 and the Italian, Australian, New Zealand and UK channels with the CG-932.


Remote Control Capability

With each model, the remote switching of patterns using an optional remote control unit (RT-62A) is available as a factory option (made to order.)





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