중고 애질런트 테스트픽스쳐 16047E 리드타입용 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 애질런트 테스트픽스쳐 16047E 리드타입용 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 애질런트 테스트픽스쳐 16047E 리드타입용 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 Agilent
모델명 16047E
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



The 16047E is a Test Fixture connecting to the impedance analyser. The test fixture to the test connectors on the front panel of the impedance analyser by gradually coupling the four BNC connectors and fastening screws of the fixture with the test connectors and accessory mounting holes of the instrument until they come to complete contact. The test fixture is used to measure parts with leads. When used with the impedance analyser, the fixture provides highly accurate measurement with wide frequency range up to 120MHz. Also it gains mechanical stability and a prolonged life when it is secured to the impedance analyser with its fastening screws. 



Additional Features:

  • Axial and Radial Test Fixture, 110 MHz
  • Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC
  • DUT Connection: 2-Terminal
  • Frequency: DC to 110 MHz
  • Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max.(AC+DC)
  • Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C
  • Dimensions (approx.): 135 (W) x 40 (H) x 65 (D) [mm]
  • Weight (approx.): 200 g
  • Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)

The Agilent 16047E test fixture is designed for impedance evaluation of lead type devices up to 110 MHz. The 16047E is a test fixture used to measure parts with leads. When used with the Impedance Analyzer, the fixture provides highly accurate measurement with wide frequency range up to 120 MHz. Also it gains mechanical stability and a prolonged life when it is secured to the Impedance Analyzer with its fastening screws.

















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