중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz > 요꼬가와

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중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz > 요꼬가와

중고 요꼬가와 오실로스코프 YOKOGAWA DL6104 OSCILLOSCOPE 5GS / s, 1GHz 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 오실로스코프
모델명 DL6104
판매가격 전화문의
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입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660






Yokogawa's new DLM6000 series digital and mixed signal oscilloscopes boast fresh physical and on-screen interfaces, based on extensive market research and user feedback. It incorporates dedicated, backlit buttons for the most commonly accessed settings, and unique Yokogawa controls, like the 5-way selector button and spring loaded ‘jog shuttle' control.

The DLM6000 series oscilloscopes offer an extensive range of capabilities for waveform characterization, powerful tools for detecting glitches and anomalies, advanced signal enhancement and noise reduction technologies, and a range of options for serial bus analysis and power measurement. Select from models with four channels plus 16 or 32 bit logic inputs, and 500MHz, 1.0GHz, or 1.5GHz bandwidths.




High-Speed Acquisition and History Memory

High Acquisition Rate Unchanged Even When Displaying Logic Signals
  • During continuous measurement : Up to 25,000 times per second per channel
  • In N Single mode : Up to 2.5 million times per second per channel

Waveform update rate determines your probability of catching an intermittent glitch.  On other mixed signal oscilloscopes, enabling the logic inputs severly impacts waveform update rate.  The DLM6000 maintains waveform update rates  so you can detect abnormalities and transients in your analog or logic channels.

DLM6000 Web 8 1
History Memory Function and
High Speed Acquisition
  • Preserve up to 2000 captures of actual waveform data (not screen images)
  • After measurement has stopped, you can review past waveforms individually for detailed analysis.
  • Search and Zoom
  • Automated measurement of waveform parameters
  • Variety of computations
 DLM6000 Web 10 1


High-speed acquisition means you can even capture instantly

On most oscilloscopes, to observe and analyze abnormalities such as unpredictable noise in detail, you have to devise clever trigger settings and re-measure the event.
But with the DL6000/DLM6000 there is no need to re-measure the phenomena because once the event occurs, you can use the History Memory function to recall past waveforms that were originally displayed on screen.

DLM6000 Web 13




Example of the usefulness of observing intermittent signals: Observation of SD bus commands

SD card bus commands are sent intermittently, and the non-signal portions of these waveforms do not need to be analyzed.

To be able to capture the commands that you want to observe from such signals, you can set a serial bus trigger and use the History memory to acquire up to 2000 of the waveforms that match the trigger conditions into History memory while ignoring the non-signal waveforms.

Rather than acquiring a single waveform to the entire acquisition memory, you can acquire multiple waveforms of only the needed command, and analyze them.

DLM6000 Web 14





Search & Zoom




DLM6000 Web 15Quickly extract locations and abnormalities you wish to analyze from the acquired waveform data, and zoom in anywhere on waveform details.
The DL6000/DLM6000 series has enhanced Search and Zoom functions for searching for desired portions of waveform data and observing those waveforms in detail.


Search function for extracting abnormal phenomena
The search function can search both analog and logic signals in History Memory (History Search).

Main Search Functions:

  • State search (Hi/Lo setting of each channel)
  • Serial pattern (I2C, SPI, CAN, general-use pattern) search
  • Polygon zone search
  • Waveform zone search
  • Parameter search (Measured parameters, FFT, etc.)

DLM6000 Web 16

Display two zoom areas simultaneously

Because the DL6000/DLM6000 series lets you set zoom factors independently, you can display two zoomed
waveform areas with different time axis scales at the same time.

Zoom and scroll with the zoom knob and jog shuttle
Intuitively adjust the zoom factor with the zoom knob, and the scroll with the jog shuttle. You can also scroll the zoom window automatically with the Auto Scroll function.

Automated measurement of waveform parameters

Automated measurement of waveform parameters - Automatically display waveform values

  • Vertical waveform parameters such as amplitude, RMS
  • Time axis waveform parameters such as frequency, startup time
  • Delay time between specified signal edges
  • Automatic measurement of time axis waveform parameters is even possible on logic signals
  • Measurement Location Indicator indicates the measured location of a specified item
  • Display the statistics on the automated measurement values of waveform parameters.
  • Normal statistical processing (Continuous)
  • Statistical processing for each period (Cycle)
  • Statistical processing of history waveforms (History)

Measure a variety of parameters automatically
Simply select the check boxes of parameters you wish to measure automatically in the setting screen's parameter list.

Simultaneously measure up to 16 parameters during acquisition. Additional measured values can be obtained in the analysis screen, or via PC communication.DLM6000 Web 17

You can measure waveform parameters of every cycle of a periodic waveform, and display results in lists and trend graphs. This is useful when evaluating period-by-period waveform fluctuations or loss in switching circuits.DLM6000 Web 18


Real Time Filter and High Resolution Mode

Input Filters

The DLM6000/DL6000 can restrict filter out unwanted high frequency noise and expose only the frequency bandwidth of the signals you are working with.  Every analog channel offers independent, real-time bandwidth filters.



  • Analog Filters: 200MHz / 20MHz
  • Real-time Digital Filters: 8MHz / 4MHz / 2MHz / 1MHz 500kHz / 250kHz / 125kHz / 62.5kHz / 32kHz/ 16kHz / 8kHz

DLM6000 Web 6 1




High Resolution Mode

Digital oscilloscopes have offer excellent time resolution.  However, nearly all digital oscilloscopes provide only 8-bits of vertical (voltage) resolution.  With Yokogawa's High Resolution mode (real-time FIR filter), the oscilloscope will oversample and reconstruct a higher resolution signal with resolutions of up to 12 bits.  Unlike averaging, High Resolution mode does not require a repetitive signal and works on single shot acquisitions.






Switching Waveform Measurement
When measuring SMPS waveforms, highly precise evaluation is impossible due to the insufficient dynamic range offered by 8-bit oscilloscopes. In such cases, you can use High Resolution mode to raise the precision of the waveform as well as of any computed results.
DLM6000 Web 7 1





Intuitive Operation and High Performance Waveform Analysis Tool

DLM6000 Feature 1 1


DLM6000 Feature 3 











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