중고 판매 / 매입 NF WF1974 (30MHz, 2Channel) 임의파형 함수발생기 > 신호발생기

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중고 판매 / 매입 NF WF1974 (30MHz, 2Channel) 임의파형 함수발생기 > 신호발생기

중고 판매 / 매입 NF WF1974 (30MHz, 2Channel) 임의파형 함수발생기 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 NF Corporation
브랜드 NF Corporation
품명 WF1974 NF Corporation Function Generator
모델명 WF1974
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 판매 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The WF1974 is a Function Generator from NF Corporation. A function generator is a type of signal generator people use to generate many kinds of electrical waveforms over a range of frequencies. A function generator is a type of electronic test equipment that produces sine, triangular, square, and sawtooth shape waveforms. The user can make these waveforms single-shot, using a trigger source, or repetitive, based on use. This kind of signal generator uses integrated circuits to create waveforms. Function generators cover both RF and Microwave frequencies. 


  • Frequency range: 0.01 µHz to 30 MHz
  • 2 Channels
  • Frequency accuracy: ± (3 ppm of setting + 2 pHz) (External frequency reference of 10 MHz usable.)
  • Frequency resolution: 0.01 µHz
  • Amplitude accuracy: ± (1% of amplitude setting [Vp-p] + 2 mVp-p)/open
  • Phase setting resolution: 0.001° (setting range: –1800.000° to +1800.000°)
  • Duty setting range: 0.0000% to 100.0000%; resolution: 0.0001%
  • Pulse wave rising/falling time: 15.0 ns to 58.8 Ms; 3-digit resolution/0.1 ns
  • Resolution of arbitrary waveform data amplitude:  16 bits
  • Input/output signal ground independent of housing and signal ground between channels also insulated
  • Output voltage under specified load impedance can be set and displayed
  • External signals can be added and output
  • Up to ten settings can be saved
  • USB and GPIB interfaces
  • LabVIEW driver included
  • Power supply input for 90 V AC to 250 V AC enables worldwide use
  • Waveform display (TFT color LCD with the QVGA high resolution)
  • Continuous, burst/trigger/gate, internal/external modulation, sweep, and sequence oscillation
  • Two independent channels,  two phases, constant frequency difference, constant frequency ratio, and differential output





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