할인판매 BK PRECISION 함수발생기 4054B, 30MHz > BK PRECISION

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할인판매 BK PRECISION 함수발생기 4054B, 30MHz > BK PRECISION

할인판매 BK PRECISION 함수발생기 4054B, 30MHz 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 9115
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



Product Features:

  • 14-bit, 150 MSa/s, 16k point arbitrary waveform generator
  • Sine and square frequency range: 1 micro-Hz to 30 MHz
  • Two independent channels with individual output On/Off buttons
  • Convenient channel copy, track and combine functions
  • Synchronize the phase of both channels with the push of a button
  • Low-jitter square wave generation for simulating reliable clock signals, generating triggers, or validating serial data buses
  • Large 4.3-inch LCD color display
  • AM/DSB-AM/ASK/FM/FSK/PM/PSK/PWM modulation functions
  • Variable DC offset and adjustable duty cycle
  • Internal/external triggering
  • Gate and burst mode
  • 196 built-in predefined arbitrary waveforms
  • Built-in frequency counter
  • Harmonics generator function
  • LAN, USB device port (USBTMC-compliant), and front panel USB host port
  • GPIB connectivity with optional USB-to-GPIB adapter
  • Short circuit output protection
  • Dimensions (W x H x D): 10.3 x 3.78 x 11.6 in. (263 x 96 x 295 mm)




The B+K Precision 4054B 30 MHz Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator is capable of generating stable and precise sine, square, triangle, pulse, and arbitrary waveforms. With an easy-to-read color display and intuitive user interface with numeric keypad, the 4054B offers plenty of features including linear/logarithmic sweep, built-in counter, extensive modulation and triggering capabilities, a continuously variable DC offset, and a high performance 14-bit, 150 MSa/s arbitrary waveform generator. CH1 and CH2 outputs can both be varied from 0 to 10 Vpp into 50 ohms (up to 20 Vpp into open circuit).

The 4054B features a large, non-volatile flash memory of about 100 MB, allowing users to create, store, and recall more than 1000 user-defined 16k point arbitrary waveforms or output any of the 196 built-in predefined arbitrary waveforms.

Extensive modulation capabilities include amplitude and frequency modulation (AM/FM), double sideband amplitude modulation (DSB AM), amplitude and frequency shift keying (ASK/ FSK), phase modulation (PM), phase shift keying (PSK), and pulse width modulation (PWM).

The standard external 10 MHz reference clock input and output allows users to synchronize the 4054B with another generator. Additionally, the 4054B generator offers powerful channel copy, track and combine functionality and the phase of both output channels can be synchronized conveniently with the push of a button. These handy features are typically not found in function generators at this price point.

The versatile 4054B waveform generator is suitable for education and other applications that require high signal fidelity, a variety of modulation schemes, or arbitrary waveform generation capabilities.
Harmonics FunctionClick for larger image

Harmonics Function: Generate harmonics up to the 10th order with independent amplitude and phase settings.

Intuitive User Interface

Easily adjust all waveform parameters using the intuitive menu-driven front panel keypad with dedicated channel selection keys, numeric keypad, and rotary control knob. Connect your USB flash drive to the USB host port to quickly save and recall instrument settings and waveforms.

Front Panel Features

  1. USB host port
  2. 4.3 in. color LCD display
  3. Numeric keypad
  4. Rotary control knob
  5. Cursor keys
  6. Power button
  7. Menu function keys
  8. Modulation, Sweep, and Burst keys
  9. Parameter, Utility, and Store/Recall keys
  10. Waveforms and Channel outputs channel selection keys
  11. Channel outputs
BK Precision 4050B Series Front Panel Click for larger image

Rear Panel Features

  1. Counter input
  2. Auxiliary input/output BNC (Sync output, Modulation input, External trigger input/output)
  3. 10 MHz reference clock input/output connector to synchronize your signals to a master time base.
  4. Chassis ground
  5. LAN interface
  6. USB interface
  7. AC input
BK Precision 4050B Series Rear PanelClick for larger image

Flexible Operation

Channel Copy and Sync Function Click for larger image

Channel Copy and Sync Function

Save time with the 4050B Series’ two independent channels to output synchronous signals. With a push of a button, all waveform parameters can be quickly copied between channels to set up identical output signals. Phase between channels can also be adjusted from the front panel.

Channel Tracking Function Click for larger image

Channel Tracking Function

Customize your generator’s channel output configuration with frequency, amplitude, and phase coupling. When enabled, CH1 and CH2 can automatically track according to the user’s set frequency, amplitude, and phase deviation ratio between channels.

Channel Combine Function Click for larger image

Channel Combine Function

Create complex waveforms by internally adding each channel’s waveform and outputting the combined waveform on channel 1 or 2.








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