중고 CAN VEHICLE SPY (NeOVI RED 40VOLT) 소프트웨어 및 인터페이스 판매 > 기타 계측기

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중고 CAN VEHICLE SPY (NeOVI RED 40VOLT) 소프트웨어 및 인터페이스 판매 > 기타 계측기

중고 CAN VEHICLE SPY (NeOVI RED 40VOLT) 소프트웨어 및 인터페이스 판매 요약정보 및 구매

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상품 정보

상품 상세설명

 구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660





Monitor  CAN and LIN networks with datalogger function
  • Datalogger for 2 x CAN , 2 xLIN  with  USB  PC interface
  • Delivered with Vehicle Spy 3 Basic  Edition
  • Records and Display CAN/LIN  traffic
  • Data interpretation  using Database
  • Extensive data filtering
  • Play CAN messages

Vehicle Spy Basic is a single tool for data acquisition and in-vehicle communication networks bus monitoring. Vehicle Spy was designed to with a focus on ease-of-use and user productivity.
Vehicle Spy enables multiple users of a single computer to easily keep track of their own projects, logged data, and functional block setup. Easy to follow tutorials and online help enable new customers to become familiar with Vehicle Spy in the first day of use. In addition, Intrepid Controls Systems offers Vehicle Spy basic training to all of its customers at a low cost. 

  • Network Monitoring
  • Data Acquisition/Logging

Vehicle Spy enables multiple users of a single computer to easily keep track of their own projects, logged data, and functional block setup. Easy to follow tutorials and online help enable new customers to become familiar with Vehicle Spy in the first day of use. In addition, Intrepid Controls Systems offers Vehicle Spy basic training to all of its customers at a low cost.

Device Specifications

  • neoVI 3G Architecture over 10x performance over previous devices
  • 3 DSPs and 1 RISC processor for 125 MIPS of processing
  • Power Consumption (typical) : 150mA @ 14.4 VDC
  • Sleep Power Consumption (typical) : 12mA @ 12.0 VDC
  • Power Supply: 6-27 Volt Power Operation (Physical layers non functional under 6 volt)
  • Dual user notification LED (red and green)
  • Temperature Range: -40C to +85C
  • Vehicle Connectors : 25 Pin male D-SUB and 9 Pin Male D-SUB
  • Warranty: One Year Limited Warranty
  • Firmware: Field upgradeable design (flash firmware)
  • General Purpose IO: 6 MISC IO (0 - 3.3V), 4 IO can be configured as analog inputs
  • General Purpose IO rate report interval: 10 Hz to 1 Khz or based on digital change
  • Microsoft Certified USB drivers
  • Isolated USB
  • Stand-Alone Mode Including Scripting, Receive Messages, Transmit Messages, Expressions, IO, and Transport Layers
  • J2534 and RP1210 A/B compatible for CAN/ISO15765, Keyword, and ISO9141.
  • microSD card slot support for up to 32 Gigabytes of storage (A 2 GB cards is included with the device.) The removable card is formatted using FAT32 for direct usage in a PC.
  • Battery backed real time clock (RTC).

Networks - General

  • 64 Bit time stamping to accuracy of 10 microseconds on CAN and LIN networks and never overflows. 0.5 microsecond accuracy timestamp available if using one network only.
  • Simultaneous operations on all CAN/LIN networks.
  • Transmit message double-buffering on all networks allows back to back message transmission.

Network Specifications

2x CAN Channels

  • 1 Dedicated ISO11898 Dual Wire CAN Physical Layer (TJA1040)
  • 1 User selectable from ISO11898 Dual Wire CAN Physical Layer (TJA1040), ISO11519 Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN Physical Layer (TJA1054A), or Single Wire CAN Physical Layer GMW3089 / SAE J2411 (MC33897)
  • CAN 2.0B Active
  • Up to 1 M-Bit Software Selectable Baud Rate (auto baud capable)
  • Capable of generating and detecting error frames (With firmware update)
  • Graphical Bit Time / Baud Rate Calculator
  • Listen only mode support
  • High Speed Mode, Test Tool Resistor, and High Voltage Wakeup support

2x LIN (Local Interconnect), ISO9141, Keyword 2000, or K and L Line

  • Full support for LIN 1.X, 2.X and J2602
  • LIN J2602 / 2.X compatible physical layer
  • Software enabled 1K LIN Master Resistor PER CHANNEL
  • Capable of Generating LIN Waveforms
  • LIN Bus Monitor Mode identifies errors: Sync Break Error State and Length, Sync Wave Error, Message ID parity, TFrameMax/Slave Not Responding, Checksum Error and Transmit Bit Errors.
  • LIN Bus Master Mode operates at same time as LIN Bus Monitor
  • LIN Bus Slave simulation - with or without an LDF file
  • LIN Bus hardware schedule table with support for LIN diagnostics
  • UART Based State Machine
  • Only first channel supports L
  • Programmable Timing Parameters including Inter-Byte, TX Inter-Frame, RX Inter-Frame and Initialization Waveforms (0.5 ms Resolution)
  • Initialization Waveforms including Fast Init, Five Baud, and Custom
  • Software Selectable Baud Rate
  • Software enabled 512K Resistor (channel one only)
Vehicle SPY
FeaturesVehicle Spy Basic
Snapshot Diagnosticsyes
Multiple Hardware Supportyes
Message Monitoryes
Realtime Signal Plotting/Graphicsyes
Logging/Capture data filesyes
Post Analysisyes
SupportSecondary Priority, Phone, Email, and Web
TrainingOnline Videos
CAN Message Monitoringyes
LIN Message Monitoringyes
CAN Message Transmit (Tx Panel)yes
CAN Message Generator (Tx Panel)yes
neoVI FIRE/RED Embedded Dataloggingyes
ISO15765-2 Long Message Tx/Rxyes
J1939 BAM Long Message Tx / Rxyes
Function Blocks (Playback)yes (maximum of 1)
Function Blocks (Capture)yes (maximum of 1)
Message Database SupportVS3, DBC, LDF
Software Upgrades12 months of free upgrades
















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