중고 Fluke Hydra 시리즈 휴대용 데이터 수집기 > FLUKE

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중고 Fluke Hydra 시리즈 휴대용 데이터 수집기 > FLUKE

중고 Fluke Hydra 시리즈 휴대용 데이터 수집기 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 플루크
모델명 Hydra 시리즈
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



  • 0.0024% DC accuracy
  • 0.5°C thermocouple accuracy
  • Up to 66 universal differential isolated inputs
  • 20 on-board math channels
  • 45 channels/second basic dc scan rate
  • 6.5-digit bench DMM function for front panel inputs
  • One button screen capture
  • Multi-channel real-time data
  • Internal 75,000 scan/setup file memory
  • Category II 300 V safety rating

The Fluke Hydra Series III Data Acquisition System / Digital Multimeter continues the legacy of precision, multi-channel data acquisition. The new Series III improves on Hydra's industry-leading thermocouple accuracy and adds a new dimension to how you collect and view data in a portable system.

The 2638A is expandable from 22 to 66 channels of differential analog inputs. A flexible, 22-channel Universal Input Connector lets you connect and disconnect any type of input to any channel, quickly and easily. Selectable inputs include dc voltage, ac voltage, resistance, thermocouple, RTD, thermistor, frequency and dc and ac current. You can also use the 2638A with optional software and other Fluke data loggers to create a flexible, customized data acquisition system with an almost unlimited number of input channels.

The 2638A features a DC measurement accuracy of 0.0024 % and a basic 0.5°C thermocouple accuracy. A full-color display, easy-to-use menu system and industrial safety ratings put the 2638A in a category of its own as a precision data acquisition system. The dedicated 6.5 digit digital multimeter (DMM) mode provides additional utility and value.


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