중고 요꼬가와 2558A AC VOLTAGE CURRENT STANDARD 판매 > 요꼬가와

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중고 요꼬가와 2558A AC VOLTAGE CURRENT STANDARD 판매 > 요꼬가와

중고 요꼬가와 2558A AC VOLTAGE CURRENT STANDARD 판매 요약정보 및 구매


제조사 요꼬가와
품명 스탠다드
시리즈명 2558A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The 2558A is a cost-effective, high-precision instrument capable of outputting a wide range of AC voltages and currents for the calibration of AC measurement devices such as analog wattmeters, power meters, clamp-on testers, and current transformers. Intuitive front panel controls and various computer interfaces enable the 2558A to be operated manually or become integrated into an larger system.

The 2558A AC Voltage Current Standard offers users the best-in-class functionality and reliability customers have come to trust from Yokogawa. 

A suite of features for verification and testing of AC measuring devices

  • Voltage, Current, and Frequency sweeping 
  • Output Divider
  • Direct Readout of the Deviation
  • Digital Display of Output
  • Common Current Output Terminals

Go beyond conventional accuracy and output standards

The wide output ranges of 1.00 mV to 1200.0 V AC and 1.00 mA to 60.00 A AC mean that the 2558A is the instrument of choice for the cost effective calibration of AC analog meters. Rotary controls and a range of computer interfaces enable the 2558A to be intuitively operated through the frontpanel or controlled by an ATE system.


High Accuracy

AC Voltage: +/- 0.04 %
AC Current: +/- 0.05 %

The 2558A AC Voltage Current Standard is more than sufficient to calibrate meters with a class 0.1 % accuracy.

10 to 120 % of range
+/- (% of setting + % of range)


50/60 Hz40 ≤ f ≤ 400 Hz400
AC Voltage0.03 + 0.01*0.05 + 0.010.10 + 0.02
AC Current0.04 + 0.01*0.06 + 0.010.12 + 0.02

* Add 0.1% of range when output is 120% to 144%.


1 to 10% of range
+/- (% of range)


50/60 Hz40 ≤ f ≤ 400 Hz400
AC Voltage0.0130.0150.03
AC Current0.0140.0160.032


High Stability

AC Voltage/Current: +/- 50 ppm/h

+/- (20 ppm of range + 30 ppm of range)/h

Perform measurements with high repeatability over time

Wide Output Range

AC Voltage: 1.00 mV to 1200.0 V 
AC Current: 1.00 mA to 60.00 A

6 voltage ranges (100 m/1/10/100/300/1000 ([V]))
4 current ranges (100 m/1/10/50 ([A]))

The generation range is 0 to 144 % of range

Wide Frequency Range

40 to 1000 Hz (Frequency accuracy: +/- 50 ppm)

The 2558A provides fixed frequencies of 50/60 Hz (commercial) and 400 Hz (marine and aviation), as well as variable frequencies from 40 to 1000 Hz.

The high frequency accuracy of the 2558A (50 ppm) also enables it to be used to calibrate frequency meters.

Multiple 2558A units can be synchronized using the internal phase shifter. This means that two 2558As can be used as accurate sources of voltage and current for calibrating power meters.





신뢰성과 작업효율을 추구하는 교류표준발생기
• 고확도
• 교류전압: ±0.04%, 교류전류: ±0.05%
• 넓은 발생범위(확도 보증)
• 교류전압: 1.00 mV ~ 1200.0 V
• 교류전류: 1.00 mA ~ 60.00 A
• 고안정도 교류전압・전류:±50 ppm/h
• 넓은 주파수범위 40 ~ 1000 Hz
• 직관적인 조작성
• 출력값의 디지털 표시  
• 레인지 공통의 전류출력단자  
• 스위프(전압/전류/주파수※)
※주파수 스위프의 범위를 별도설정
• 출력분할  
• 편차표시 





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