VEGA 78 CAT IV 전력 품질 분석기 및 에너지 로거 용 4CT HTFLEX33D > 전력분석기

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VEGA 78 CAT IV 전력 품질 분석기 및 에너지 로거 용 4CT HTFLEX33D > 전력분석기

VEGA 78 CAT IV 전력 품질 분석기 및 에너지 로거 용 4CT HTFLEX33D 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 HT Instrument
브랜드 HT Instrument
모델명 VEGA 78 CAT IV
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


  • TRMS P-N, P-P, P-PE voltage measures (5 inputs)
  • TRMS current on phases and neutral (4inputs)
  • Active, reactive and apparent powers measures
  • Active, reactive and apparent energies measures
  • Power factors measure
  • Frequency measure
  • Max 251 selected parameters at the same time
  • Integrated period selectable from 1s to 60min
  • Harmonic analysis of voltage and current up to 49th component
  • Voltage anomalies (sags, swells) with 10ms resolution
  • Numerical and graphical (waveforms) visualization
  • Histogram visualization of harmonic analysis
  • Vectorial diagram of voltages and currents
  • Voltage unbalance
  • Predefined recordings of parameters
  • TFT colour display with "touch screen"

Power Quality Analyzer and Energy Logger


  • Power Factors Measure - Harmonic analysis of voltage and current up to 49th component
  • Inrush Currents Measures- Predefined and customized recordings configurations
  • Frequency Measure - Rechargeable Li-Ion battery and external AC/D adapter
  • USB Interface for PC Connection - Using of external compact flash and USB pen drives
  • Virtual Keyboard at Display - Active, reactive and apparent energies measures

The instrument VEGA78 power quality analyzer and energy logger allow carrying out analysis and tests on single-phase and three-phase electric systems with and without neutral.

The instrument display in real-time the values of all fundamental electric quantities which characterize the electric system being tested (voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, etc.), showing the waveforms of voltages and currents. VEGA78 is used for testing and analyzing the quality of the electric service provided by the Electric Power Supplier, for analyzing single-phase and three-phase electric users such as offices and industries, when diagnosing voltage anomalies by taking advantage of the possibility of recording electric quantities.

The instrument also allows evaluating the harmonic content introduced by non-linear loads such as computers, TV sets, controlled electric motors, etc. which can cause the RCD’s tripping or a neutral overheating. The instrument is supplied with the PC management software, which further expands the analysis possibilities of the data acquired.




Manufacturer Specs


Tech Specs





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