중고 AC전자로드 판매 4000W급 EWL-4000 타카사고 > TAKASAGO

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중고 AC전자로드 판매 4000W급 EWL-4000 타카사고 > TAKASAGO

중고 AC전자로드 판매 4000W급 EWL-4000 타카사고 요약정보 및 구매

브랜드 타카사고
모델명 EWL-4000
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



Capable of power factor setting
Crest factor setting supported
Equipment of wide-ranging load modes
Communication function available as standard equipment

Capable of power factor setting
Leading or lagging power factor from 0 to 1 can be set
In the constant current (CC) mode, the power factor (leading or lagging from 0 to 1) can be set in 0.05 steps. Unlike LCR load
that is switched between fixed values, continuous setting of power factors is supported. The power factor can be varied without adding a capacitor or inductor to the load side.
Crest factor setting supported
A crest factor of 1.4 to 4.0 can be set as a load that simulates a device with a rectifier circuit of capacitor input type.
In the constant current (CC) mode, the crest factor can be varied in 0.1 steps. This feature facilitates performing reliability tests of various inverter devices and powerrelated device tests.
Equipment of wide-ranging load modes
Three modes are equipped: Constant current (CC), constant resistance (CR) and constant power (CP) modes.
Communication function available as standard equipment
The standard equipment of the RS-232C communication function allows you to read various parameter settings, measurements, alarms, and statuses from PC. Furthermore, optional application software can be used to perform pattern operation.
Two types of serial communication ports, RS-232C and RS-485, for multi-connection are available as standard equipment, enabling digital control from PC or PLC, etc. This download function for not only load waveforms in sine waves but also any arbitrary waveforms can supply load with an arbitrary waveform as well.

* Master-slave parallel connection is supported (Up to three units of the same model).
* Single-phase three-wire configurations are supported with two units, and three-phase configurations are supported with three units.
* Multi-connection of up to 31 units from one communication port is supported using optional serial cables.
* If a momentary interruption or sudden phase change occurs in the load input voltage, please consult Takasago about restrictions.
Application software
Basic software
Arbitrary waveform option
Basic software screen example
Add the arbitrary waveform option to enable simulation of special waveforms (which can be imported in CSV).
* The arbitrary waveform option software needs the basic software for operation.
Specifications/Model nameEWL-2000EWL-4000
Load conditionsOperating voltage150V range 14 to 150Vrms
Maximum current300V range 14 to 300Vrms
Effective power of
maximum load
150V range 20A (80Apeak)150V range 40A (160Apeak)
Apparent power of
maximum load
300V range 10A (40Apeak)300V range 20A (80Apeak)
Frequency range40 to 72Hz
Operating power supplyNumber of phases,
power supply, and frequency
90 to 250VAC 50/60Hz single-phase
Maximum input current9A15A
Operating environment0 to 40?C 20 to 80%RH (No freezing, condensation, or corrosive gas)
External specifications W x H x D (mm)
and weight (approximate) kg
480 x 349 (414.5) x 650 55kg
Values enclosed in parentheses are heights including casters. Protrusions are not included.
500 x 950 (1017) x 701.2 125kg
Values enclosed in parentheses are heights including casters. Protrusions are not included.










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