중고 8채널 르크로이 오실로스코프 Teledyne Lecroy HDO8058 (500 MHz, 8 ch) > LeCroy

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중고 8채널 르크로이 오실로스코프 Teledyne Lecroy HDO8058 (500 MHz, 8 ch) > LeCroy

중고 8채널 르크로이 오실로스코프 Teledyne Lecroy HDO8058 (500 MHz, 8 ch) 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 텔레다인 르크로이
브랜드 Teledyne LeCroy
시리즈명 HDO808
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



Key Features
  • 8 input channels
  • 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution
  • 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz bandwidths
  • Long Memory - up to 250 Mpts/Ch
  • 12.1" touch screen display
  • DisplayPort 1.2 video output for Ultra HD extended desktop (UHD, 3840 x 2160 pixels)
  • Q-ScapeTM tabbed displays
  • Mixed Signal capability (16 digital channels, 1.25 GS/s sample rate)
  • Serial data trigger and decode
  • Powerful analysis capabilities
8 Analog + 16 Digital Input Channels


Capture 8 analog signals plus 16 digital logic signals. Get more information in one place at one time.
HD4096 High Definition Technology
HD4096 high definition technology enables oscilloscopes to capture and display signals of up to 1 GHz with high sample rate and 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes.
Benefits of HD4096 Technology
Waveforms captured and displayed on oscilloscopes with HD4096 technology are cleaner and crisper. Signal details often lost in the noise are clearly visible and easy to distinguish HD4096 enables oscilloscopes to deliver unmatched measurement precision for improved debug and analysis.
Motor Drive Power Analyzer software


Provides three-phase numerical and waveform power analysis from motor drive input through motor mechanical output. Included are real, apparent, and reactive power measurements, power factor and phase angle, efficiency, and various voltage and current parameters. Both two-wattmeter and three-wattmeter methods are supported, as well as line-line to line-neutral voltage conversion. Motor speed, position, and torque integration are the most complete available. Turn your HDO8000 into a complete measurement and debug tool for the motor, motor drive, and embedded motor control system.
Q-Scape Multi-Tab Display Architecture


More waveforms requires new display architectures. Unique Q-Scape multi-tab display architecture speeds your understanding of your design with 4x the display area. Quickly move waveforms to different tabs through drag-and-drop.
Ultra HD (UHD, 3840 x 2160 pixel) Extended Desktop


Utilize the DisplayPort 1.2 video output in Extended Desktop mode to maximize display size and screen resolution. Split grids amongst the scope and external display. Purchase an external display that is touchscreen compatible and gain even more flexibility.
Powerful Analysis Capabilities


Up to 250 Mpts/ch of acquisition memory allows many seconds of data capture. Display up to 40 waveforms (12 math, 12 zoom, 12 memory) and 12 measurement parameters. Most powerful motherboard in its class - Intel Intel Core i5-4570s Quad (core), 2.9 GHz (per core), up to 32 GB of RAM.





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