Hioki 9269 중고 DC바이어스 유닛 DC Bias Current Unit for LCR, 42Hz~100kHz 중고판매 > HIOKI

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Hioki 9269 중고 DC바이어스 유닛 DC Bias Current Unit for LCR, 42Hz~100kHz 중고판매 > HIOKI

Hioki 9269 중고 DC바이어스 유닛 DC Bias Current Unit for LCR, 42Hz~100kHz 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 히오키
모델명 9269
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


DC Bias Current Unit for LCR

Hioki 9269 DC BIAS CURRENT UNIT is an optional unit, which can be connected between a HIOKI LCR/Z HiTESTER and the fixture, to allow a DC bias current to be applied to an inductor or transductor.

When you connect this Hioki 9269-10 DC Bias Current Unit to your Hioki IM Series LCR meter, you'll receive a maximum applied current of 2A DC. The unit operates in a frequency range of 40Hz to 2MHz and features a direct connection.


  • Works with select Hioki IM Series LCR meter models (sold separately)
  • Operates in a 40Hz to 2MHz frequency
  • Maximum applied current of 2A DC
  • Features a direct connection interface
  • DC Bias Current Unit
  • 42 Hz to 100 kHz
  • Max. allowable current: +/- 2A DC

Manufacturer Specs


Tech Specs 


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