그라프텍 중고 고속데이터 수집기 GL900 중고판매 > 기타 계측기

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그라프텍 중고 고속데이터 수집기 GL900 중고판매 > 기타 계측기

그라프텍 중고 고속데이터 수집기 GL900 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 그라프텍
품명 GRAPHTEC 데이터로거
모델명 GL900
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

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구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660





midi LOGGER GL900 Series

  • Specifications
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  • Software support
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In compliance with various test requirements, this data logger is capable of performing high-speed simultaneous voltage and temperature measurements

Easy-to-use upright high-speed isolated 8-channel multifunction logger

img_01_06.jpgAn easy-to-use upright device enabling isolated 8-channel multifunction input, the GL900 is capable of performing high-speed simultaneous measurements of voltage, temperature, and various other phenomena.

Voltage+/-20 mV to +/-500 V
K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, W
Humidity0 to 100%
(the B-530 option is required)
Pulse4 channels
Count, Inst., Rpm
Logic4 channels
‡ Select either Pulse or Logic

*) The input signal needs to be not exceeding the specified voltage at any time.
The component in the amplifire of the unit may have the damage by over voltage.
Please check the details of over voltage in the specification sheet (Maximum input voltage or Withstand voltage seccion) or the caution label attached on the unit.

Data can be captured to PC-friendly USB memory sticks

img_02.jpgLong-term data can be captured directly to built-in 256-MB flash memory or to an external USB memory stick at sampling intervals of from 1 ms to 1 min. For high-speed sampling at intervals faster than 1 ms, up to one million data points can be captured to internal RAM.

Example of 8-channel analog measurement

Capture destination10μs100μs500μs1ms10ms100ms1s
Internal RAM
(up to one million points)
10 secondsApprox. 1 min. and 40 sec.Approx. 8 min. and 20 sec.Approx. 16 min. and 40 sec.Approx. 2 hrs. and 40 sec.Approx. 1 day and 3 hrs.Approx. 11 days and 13 hrs.
Internal flash memory (256 MB)×××Approx. 1 hour.Approx. 11 hrs.Approx. 4 daysApprox. 46 days
External USB memory stick (512 MB)×××Approx. 22 hrs.Approx. 22 hrs.Approx. 9 daysApprox. 93 days

The USB memory stick must be a standard model (without fingerprint recognition or other proprietary features).

Can be used as an X-Y recorder

img_03.gifThe GL900 reproduces analog X-Y recorder movements and provides the illusion of pen up/pen down movements. It can be operated like an analog X-Y recorder and can also be used as a 4-pen X-Y recorder. The digital data format facilitates post-measurement confirmation of data values and report creation.

High-precision temperature measurement even during high-speed sampling

Lets users perform high-precision temperature measurements even during high-speed sampling – ideal for performing combined voltage and temperature measurements.

Comprehensive built-in trigger and timer functions

Using a combination of trigger and timer functions eliminates superfluous data and enables capture of only the required data.

Setting example 1

To perform measurement over a four-day period starting January 10
Timer settingDate and timeStart settingJanuary 10 00 hours 00 minutes
Stop settingJanuary 14 23 hours 59 minutes
Trigger settingStart triggerOff
Stop triggerOff

Setting example 2

To perform measurements of abnormal signals during device operations
Timer settingDaily cycleStart setting09 hours 00 minutes
Stop setting17 hours 00 minutes
Trigger settingStart triggerLevel CH 1 (3 V Rising)
Stop triggerLevel CH 1 (2 V Falling)

Setting example 3

To perform measurements every 20 minutes
Timer settingHourly cycleStart setting00 minutes 00 seconds
Stop setting20 minutes 00 seconds
Trigger settingStart triggerOff
Stop triggerOff

Setting example 4

To perform measurements for a period of one hour, every four hours, daily

With the timer set to daily cycle status, data is captured repeatedly for one hour every four hours.

Trigger settingStart triggerOff
Stop triggerScheduled time (one hour)
RepeatOn (Repeat interval: 4 hours)
Timer settingsTimer modeOff, Date and time, Daily cycle, Hourly cycle
Trigger settingsStart source settingOff, Level value, External input
Stop source settingOff, Level value, External input, Scheduled time
Repeat captureOn, Off and Repeat interval

High-voltage measurement capability

The wide 500 V range enables 100 to 240 VAC power supply voltage waveform measurements. Using logic input and a clamp meter simultaneously allows measurement of a device’s power supply voltage and current concurrently with sequential control of various points.


Built-in, large-format 5.7-inch color LCD for easy-to-read waveforms

The bright, easy-to-read large-format 5.7-inch color TFT LCD provides vivid, easy-to-read waveform displays. Cursor keys enable fast, easy control and setup. The waveform display can be scrolled at high-speed – 10 ms/DIV.


Free Running display for waveform-checking without the need for data capture

img_08.gifThe Free Running display lets users check input signal waveforms even before measurements begin. Since waveforms are displayed on each setup screen, users can make settings while viewing the waveforms.

Easy PC measurement via USB; remote monitoring via Ethernet web server and FTP functions

The USB and Ethernet connections enable transfer of captured data to your PC and setup and control of the GL900 from a PC, even without the PC software provided standard with the GL900.


Web server/FTP server functions

Waveform display and GL900 setup operations can be performed via a web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer). In addition, data files captured to the GL900’s internal memory or to a USB memory stick can be transferred or deleted from the PC.

USB drive mode

When your GL900 is connected to your PC via the USB interface, the GL900 can be operated in USB mode to enable fast, easy data transfers from internal memory to the PC.

NTP client function

Simply connect the GL900 to an NTP server via an Ethernet connection to synchronize GL900 time with NTP server time at periodic intervals

Dedicated software for real-time data capture

Three measurement screens are provided to allow selection of the screen that best suits measurement needs.
The Replay screen provides a Zoom screen feature to enable enlarged display of specific sections of long-term measurement data.


Simple operations for anyone

Easy-to-use software using icon keys for intuitive operations


Convenient functions

img_10_03.gifVarious convenient data-processing functions are built in.

  • Direct to Excel function
    This function enables measurement data to be written directly to an Excel file.
  • Search function
    This function enables searching for specific values in the captured data.
  • CSV batch conversion function
    This function enables batch conversion of multiple captured files to CSV file format.
  • Thumbnail function
    This function enables display of captured data files as thumbnails.







  • Stand-alone or PC-connected operation
  • High-speed Sampling
  • Analog channel isolation
  • 20mV to 500V full-scale measurements
  • Four alarm outputs
  • Optional battery pack
  • USB and Ethernet PC interfaces.
  • Programmable measurements per analog channel:
    • 15 voltage ranges over ±20 mV to ±500 V full scale
    • Type J,K,T,R,S,B,E,N,W thermocouples
    • PT100, PT1000 3-wire RTD
  • Four discrete/counter/frequency input channels
  • Four alarm outputs
  • Sample rates up to 100 kHz per channel




With its color monitor and internal memory the GL900 is a self-contained, compact, lightweight, multi-channel data logger with 8 analog measurement channels, each with input-to-output and channel-to-channel isolation. Measurements per channel of 20mV to 500V FS across 14 programmable ranges allow the GL900 to adapt to a wide range of signal types, including thermocouple-based temperatures (K,J,E,T,R,S,B,N,W) and process current (4-20 mA). Up to four pulse channels can count and measure speed using an optional cable, and Humidity measurements are also possible with an optional sensor. The GL900 may be configured to trigger up to four different alarm outputs as a function of measured values.

The GL900 allows data to be recorded to internal high-speed volatile RAM memory (64 MB) at rates as fast as 100,000 Hz. The unit also provides built-in non-volatile memory (256 MB) and accepts external USB flash drives (2 GB maximum file size) for lower speed sampling as fast as 1,000 Hz. The minimum sample rate for all memory configurations is one sample per minute.

The GL900 features built-in USB and Ethernet ports to facilitate data transfer to a connected PC either in real time or from its memory for analysis and archiving. Measurement protocols may also be uploaded from the PC to the instrument. An optional battery pack allows power-independent operation and failsafe measurement continuity during a power failure.


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