스펙트럼아날라이저 로데슈바르즈 SpectrumAnalyzer, Rohde&Schwarz FSC3/03 중고판매 > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

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스펙트럼아날라이저 로데슈바르즈 SpectrumAnalyzer, Rohde&Schwarz FSC3/03 중고판매 > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

스펙트럼아날라이저 로데슈바르즈 SpectrumAnalyzer, Rohde&Schwarz FSC3/03 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

핸디형 스펙트럼분석기 중고 및 렌탈서비스 상품입니다.

제조사 로데슈바르즈
브랜드 Rohde&Schwarz
모델명 FSC3/03
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

핸디형 스펙트럼분석기 중고 및 렌탈서비스 상품입니다.

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



  • Frequency range 9 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
  • Resolution bandwidths 10 Hz to 3 MHz
  • High sensitivity <-141 dBm (1 Hz), with opt. preamplifier ?161 dBm (1 Hz)
  • High third order intercept (>10 dBm, typ. 15 dBm)
  • Low measurement uncertainty (<1 dB)
  • Internal tracking generator (FSC313, FSC316)
  • Storage of measurement results on USB stick
  • LAN and USB interface for remote control and transfer of data
  • Low power consumption (12 W)

The R&S FSC is a compact, cost-efficient solution that offers all essential features of a professional spectrum analyzer with Rohde & Schwarz quality. It covers a wide range of applications from simple development tasks to production, or can be used for training RF professionals. Moreover, it is ideal for applications in service or maintenance. The R&S FSC features a wealth of functions for simplifying and speeding up the development and testing of RF products. Its good RF characteristics and its high measurement accuracy help to ensure reliable and reproducible measurement results.

Four different R&S FSC models are available in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz. Separate models with tracking generator are available for each frequency range. An optional preamplifier that is available for all models increases sensitivity for measuring weak signals. Owing to its compact design, the R&S FSC takes up only a minimum of space on a lab bench. When installed in a rack, two R&S FSC or one R&S FSC and one R&S SMC signal generator situated next to each other fit into the 19" space.

Measurement functions



  • Noise marker for determining the noise power referenced to 1 Hz measurement bandwidth
  • Frequency counter with 0.1 Hz resolution
  • Limit line monitoring (pass/fail function) for indicating whether the DUT complies with defined limits
  • Modulation depth measurement of AM-modulated signals
  • Measurement of harmonics and total harmonic distortion
  • AM/FM audio demodulator (audio via built-in loudspeaker or via headphones)
  • Scalar transmission measurement for fast and simple determination of the transmission characteristics of DUTs such as cables, filters or amplifiers (available for the R&S models FSC313 and FSC16 with tracking generator)
  • Location of EMC problems on printed boards using the R&S HZ-15
     near-field probe set for emission measurements from 30 MHz to 3 GHz
  • Field-strength measurements taking into account the specific antenna factors of the connected antenna, the field strength being displayed directly in dBμV/m
  • Power measurement on pulsed signals in the time domain with predefined settings for the GSM and EDGE mobile radio standards
  • Channel power measurement in a definable transmission channel with predefined settings for 3GPP WCDMA, cdmaOne, CDMA2000 and LTE mobile communications standards
  • Measurement of occupied bandwidth (OBW)
  • Adjacent channel power, absolute or referenced to the TX carrier for up to 12 channels and 12 adjacent channels
  • Gated sweep for displaying the modulation spectrum of burst signals such as GSM or WLAN
  • Measurement of spurious emissions







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