CHROMA 19032 내전압/절연저항/접지도통시험기 중고 판매 > 내전압시험기

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CHROMA 19032 내전압/절연저항/접지도통시험기 중고 판매 > 내전압시험기

CHROMA 19032 내전압/절연저항/접지도통시험기 중고 판매 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 크로마
품명 내전압/절연저항/접지도통시험기
모델명 19032
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660









  • AC/DC/IR/GB/LC/Dynamic Function – six instruments in one
  • Function test up to 20
  • Programmable voltage output and limit value
  • OSC open/short check
  • Flashover detection
  • Human protection circuit
  • Multi-scan device support dynamic leakage current test
  • Standard RS232 interface
  • Optional GPIB interface
  • Large LCD pane
  • Front panel lockout function
  • Optional softpanels
  • CaptivATE Automation Software
  • CE

Electrical safety testing is a major item in electrical product quality testing. All electrical products like adapters, SMPS, charges, house appliances, information technology products, and video products are required to undergo electrical safety testing.

The 19032 series combines Hipot, Insulation Resistance (IR), Ground Bond (GB), Leakage Current (LC)/AC LC/DC LC and Dynamic Function Tests. Space savings can be up to 50% of production line space, through not purchasing multiple safety test instruments. The 19032 is able to increase the efficiency of electrical safety testing during manufacturing and reduce associated labor costs.



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