Ellisys USB Protocol EX200 PRO 프로토콜 분석기 렌탈 > 기타 계측기

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Ellisys USB Protocol EX200 PRO 프로토콜 분석기 렌탈 > 기타 계측기

Ellisys USB Protocol EX200 PRO 프로토콜 분석기 렌탈 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Ellisys
브랜드 Ellisys
품명 프로토콜 분석기
모델명 EX200 PRO
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The USB Explorer 200 is a non-intrusive high speed USB 2.0 protocol analyzer that enables you to display bus states, packets sent and decode descriptors of the USB protocol. It can detect errors in devices, host controllers, embedded softwares or drivers as well as measure their performance. Very simple to use, this USB analyzer is the ideal companion for anyone developing USB devices, hosts, embedded software or drivers.


A USB protocol analyzer enables engineers to actually see what the data on the USB bus looks like. Connected between a computer and a peripheral, the USB Explorer records all data, electrical states and control information transmitted on USB. It affects neither communication nor peripheral behavior.


The USB Analyzer connects non-intrusively between a USB host and a USB device



  • Saving on development and maintenance costs
  • Preventing simple errors from becoming intricate problems
  • Improving quality and reliability of USB subsystems
  • Streamlines development and testing processes
  • Accelerating learning curve for USB protocol
  • Unburdening technical support staff


  • Compatible with all three USB 2.0 speeds
  • Automatic detection of the Link Under Test speed
  • Measurement of USB bus states and low level protocols
  • Highly affordable permitting to supply each developer with one unit
  • Non intrusive analysis
  • Powerful hardware trigger
  • High level decoding of classes requests and descriptors (Mass Storage, etc.)


  • Enumeration issues validation
  • USB device and host development
  • Performance analysis
  • USB drivers and software stacks debugging
  • Test-bench automation


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