LISN 렌탈 EMC PRECOMPLIANCE TEST용 EM5040B, 9kHz~30MHz > 기타 계측기

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LISN 렌탈 EMC PRECOMPLIANCE TEST용 EM5040B, 9kHz~30MHz > 기타 계측기

LISN 렌탈 EMC PRECOMPLIANCE TEST용 EM5040B, 9kHz~30MHz 요약정보 및 구매


품명 EMI Test Reciever LISN
모델명 EM5040B
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명

렌탈 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660

EM5040/5040A/5040B Line Impedance Stabilization Network is a kind of (50uH+5Ω)||50Ω V type  LISN. This product can provide stable impedance from 9 kHz to 30 MHz RF range for DUT and reference. At the same time, it isolated the useless signal from the electric network to measurement circuit and coupling the interference voltage of the DUT to the input port of the measurement receiver. The product’s performance is compliant with standard requirements of CISPR16-1-2 for V-networks. It suits conducted disturbance voltage measurement for single phase equipment well. The standard BNC output port and 50Ω output impedance make the device compatible to the measurement equipment such as receiver and spectrum analyzer of any manufacturer. The artificial hand of the product can simulate the handle device to measure. 
On the bases of EM5040A, EM5040B is added the function used for common mode and differential mode measurement, which will provide assistance for EMI debugging, especially for EMI filter.


Electronic Specifications

Frequency range 9kHz—30MHz
Circuit type(50uH+5Ω)|| 50Ω  Type V
Measurement circuit
phase number
Single phase two wire L/N1
AC voltage/
frequency range
0~264VAC /  50~60Hz ±5%
DC voltage range 0~55V DC
Power supply output
German standard power supply socket
Output current Rating 16A
Ground protection  Side metal panel grounding
Rear panel 4mm butterfly bolt grounding
Output port Standard 50Ω BNC female,
Artificial hand Yes
Output signal filter High-pass filter 9kHz/150kHz optional
Output signal limiter Attenuation coeffcient-10dB
 limit threshold 130dBuV
Output signal common
mode and differential
mode separator
Add 2 output port
Operating temperature
Storing temperature-20℃~70℃
Safety standard EN61010-1
Size 338mm(Length)×237mm(Width)×133mm(Height)
Weight 5.25kg


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