올림푸스 산업용 내시경 렌탈, OLYMPUS iPLEX MX R 비디오스코프 임대 > 기타 계측기

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올림푸스 산업용 내시경 렌탈, OLYMPUS iPLEX MX R 비디오스코프 임대 > 기타 계측기

올림푸스 산업용 내시경 렌탈, OLYMPUS iPLEX MX R 비디오스코프 임대 요약정보 및 구매

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제조사 올림푸스
품명 산업용 내시경
모델명 iPLEX MX R
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구입 및 임대서비스 상담 :  010-4221-0660 





Insertability and durability

The IPLEX MX R supplies a slim ø4.4mm outer diameter tube with a short 15mm hard tip and a small curvature radius for effortless insertion ease and convenient access to minute parts. It's especially effective for high-precision jobs in intricate spaces, such as inspecting small gas turbines and heat exchanger tubes. The Olympus-original "Tough Tapered Flex" insertion tube design provides superior insertability, and excellent crush resistance increases equipment reliability, reducing the overall cost of ownership.

Insertability and durability

Insertability and durability

Maximum mobility

At just 10lbs. (4.4kg), the lightweight and portable B5-file-size IPLEX MX R can be carried to the inspection site with just a shoulder strap, and even body mounted with safety during the entire inspection - it's that mobile! Furthermore, the system uses a large capacity, yet lightweight and compact rechargeable Lithium-ion battery providing 2.5 hours of continuous operation for uninterrupted inspections. Extended battery stamina can be doubled when using an optional external battery kit.

Maximum mobility

Advanced specifications

The IPLEX MX R is ideal for almost any inspection requirement, supported by an extensive array of in-demand functions including freeze, electronic zoom, extended exposure and digital image recording. A monochrome boost mode is also incorporated to further increase image sensitivity for low light level conditions. Up to 920 digital images (JPEG format) can be recorded on the provided 128Mb Compact Flash card. Images can be quickly transferred to the PC for full and immediate viewing.

Advanced specifications
3x electronic zoom

Easy movement

Easy movement
Control Section

Newly developed TrueFeel TM*1 gives you more articulation with less work. The lower power consumption of this power-assisted manual articulation method means longer battery life. Just a light touch of the joystick moves the scope 120 degrees *2 in any direction.
*1 Excluding IV7680X2
*2 90° for IV7650X2/IV7680X2

Dual length convenience

Depending on the job at hand, the MX R system provides a choice of two different effective lengths for optimal access. There's a 5.0m length for many automotive or gas turbine inspection tasks, and an 8.0m effective length (available by special order) for jobs requiring longer insertion, such as plant maintenance.

Dual length convenience

Optical tools(option)

Side view rigid sleeve
Side view rigid sleeve

For added convenience in use, the MX R system provides an optional rigid sleeve with an LED illumination for supplementary illumination without halation distortion, which a mirror could not provide.
That means you can not only insert the IPLEX MX R scope easily into tight places, but also obtain clear, well-lit views of application like small gas turbine engines.

High magnification adapter
High magnification adapter

This precision option magnifies images on the LCD monitor at up to approx. 20x normal viewing size, allowing you to perform close visual inspections to detect hairline cracks and other minute defects. The adapter attaches easily to the insertion tube and provides an expanded area of view, making it especially useful to inspect surface and fasteners of airframes and car-bodies.

High magnification adapter


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