히오키 3390 중고 파워아날라이저, Hioki 전력분석기 3상4선 가능 > 벤치형 파워아날라이저

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히오키 3390 중고 파워아날라이저, Hioki 전력분석기 3상4선 가능 > 벤치형 파워아날라이저

히오키 3390 중고 파워아날라이저, Hioki 전력분석기 3상4선 가능 요약정보 및 구매

중고 전력분석기

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 히오키
품명 파워 아날라이저
모델명 3390
판매가격 4,500,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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중고 전력분석기

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Hioki중고 제품 구입 및 기술 상담 :  010-4221-0660 


Hioki 3390 AC/DC Power Hi-Tester


A Higher-Accuracy Power Meter Supporting the Attainment of Maximum Efficiency


The needs of electrical devices driving energy conservation and green energy initiatives such as motors, inverters, solar panels, power conditioners, electric vehicles, and air conditioners are increasing at a pace never seen before. For R7D centers wishin for 0.1% levels of efficiency improvement, highly precise and accurate large current measurements are now within reach. The new 3390-10 delivers unsurpassed top-of-the-class ±0.1% accuracy to aid in accomplishing maximum efficiency in all of your devices.

Pair the 3390-10 with High Accuracy Sensors

And Achieve an Even Higher Level of Excellence in Testing

Enriched Current Sensors Offer Even High Accuracy
Pull-through current sensors deliver accuracy surpassing that of traditional shunt resistors while remaining resilient against overheating to enable high current measurements

Enhanced accuracy parameters available with the higher accuracy combination:

  • Voltage Measurement Accuracy: DC (45 to 66 Hz accuracy remains the same as the 3390)
  • Current and Active Power Measurement Accuracy: DC and 45 to 66Hz
  • Effect of Power Factor: 45 to 66Hz

±0.1% on ALL Ranges

Switch from one range to another and still maintain the same accuracy.

Accuracy when pairing Model 3390 with the 9709 AC/DC Current Sensor (500A) and measuring the f.s. current at each range (45 to 66Hz)
Accuracy when pairing Model 3390-10 with the 9709-10 AC/DC Current Sensor (500A) and measuring the f.s. current at each range (45 to 66Hz)

Measure on Any Channel



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