전자로드 렌탈, 200V/60A/300W, PEL301-201 ELECTRONIC LOAD > 전자로드

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전자로드 렌탈, 200V/60A/300W, PEL301-201 ELECTRONIC LOAD > 전자로드

전자로드 렌탈, 200V/60A/300W, PEL301-201 ELECTRONIC LOAD 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 텍시오
품명 직류전자부하
모델명 PEL301-201
판매가격 200,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈서비스 제품입니다.

상담 : 010-4221-0660






  • Max. Input Voltage: 200V
  • Max. Input Power: 300W
  • Max. Input Current: 60A
  • High-speed response
    SW(switching) operation is available in the CC or CR discharging mode. It features the maximum response of 10µs (in the CC discharging mode).
  • 100 sequence memory
    Storing on panel in the memory facilitates easy sequence operation.
  • External control
    Every model allows analog control according to external voltage (0 to 10V) and external resistance (0 to 10kOhm).
  • GP-IB interface
    Every model has the general purpose interface bus GP-IB as the standard feature.
  • Master slave parallel operation
    A maximum of five units can be connected in the parallel master slave operation mode.
  • Various protective functions
    Three protective functions are available: UVP (Under Voltage Protection), OCP (Over Current Protection) and OPP (Over Power Protection). Six alarm functions are available: RCP (Reverse Connection Protection) alarm, OPP (Over Power Protection) alarm, OVP (Over Voltage Protection) alarm, OCP (Over Current Protection alarm, OHP (Over Heat Protection) alarm and UVP (Under Voltage Protection) alarm.
  • Software start function
    The current rise time of the load side can be adjusted according to the rise time of the output voltage, when test the rise time of switching power supply.


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