2011 37 요꼬가와 암메타, DC Ammeter/Voltmeter Standard > 요꼬가와

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2011 37 요꼬가와 암메타, DC Ammeter/Voltmeter Standard > 요꼬가와

2011 37 요꼬가와 암메타, DC Ammeter/Voltmeter Standard 요약정보 및 구매

DC전류계, 암메타

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 아나로그 전류미터
모델명 2011 37
판매가격 620,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

DC전류계, 암메타

상품 상세설명



구입 및 기술사양 상담 : 010-4221-0660



Specifications - Model 2011 37




Max. Scale Value1/3/10/30 A
Approximate Internal Rresistance and Consumed Power50 mV
Operating PrinciplePermanent moving coil
ClassJIS C 1102 : 1997 Class 0.5 (Equivalent to class 1.0)
Operating PositionHorizontal
Scale LengthApproximately 135 mm (Deflection Angle: 85°)
Scale Divisions100/150
Linemax250V (Ammerters only)
Operating Temperature Range0 ~ 46 ºC
Operating Humidity Range30 ~ 75% RH
Storage Temperature Range-10 ~ 50 ºC
Storage Humidity Range25 ~ 80% RH
External Dimension195 x 170 x 87 mm
External Weight1.7 kg
Standard AccessoriesInstruction Manual (1)
Shunt cable (2011 41, 2012 00 only)
Optional Accessories2291 01 Carrying case for 2011
2292 01 Carrying case for 2012
  • 2011 41 50 mV instrument and 2011 42 3 V instrument
    The scale for the 50mV instrument has 100 and 150 divisions. A 50 mV current transformer may be combined with any rated current instrument to read measurements through a simple conversion process. DC scales (single scale or dual scale) are also available by special order.


  • Taut-band suspension system eliminates friction and provides strong resistance to shock impact.
  • Stable performance ensures that changes over time are negligible.
  • Quick response and easy-to-read scale
  • Superior temperature compensation circuit reduces external temperature effects.
  • Magnetic circuit (sandwich mechanism) reduces the effects of external magnetic fields


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